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Is this being dishonest or false labelling

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Is this being dishonest or false labelling

Postby Albinoni on Fri Oct 03, 2003 1:22 pm

Ok now I dont mean to be rude here, but what I cant stand is manufacturuing their discs and labelling them dishonestly, disregard of brand and just to suck people into buy their products.

What I'm mainly talking about here is Gold Discs. A good example would be like if someone walked into their local computer store to buy TDK Gold CD-R's. As the CD's would be packed and shrinked wrap, the buyer would not be able to open them unless he/she had purchased the product. Once the products was paid for or purchased, then when opened he/she would then notice that the CD-R was really not gold on the bottom (where the laser reads) but just gold on the top, which really doesnt justify the purpose.

Also a while back I bought a box of 10 CD-R's that were labelled Laser Premium Gold CD-R's 800MB, once opened the top was only gold and the bottom silver.

The only brand that I've come across that hasnt cheated with this type of labellingor advertising is Kodak.
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Postby burninfool on Fri Oct 03, 2003 1:32 pm

I wish they sold Kodak CD's here in the US again,they were high quality. :cry:
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Postby Albinoni on Fri Oct 03, 2003 2:01 pm

Yes Burnifool, apparently you can still get Kodak CD-R's here in Australia, quite a fair bit of them apparently, but the Kodak Golds are the ones that are quite hard to get.

Also I've been trying to get my eyes on Mitsui Gold or Taiyouden Gold Cd-R's, heard these are very good CD-R's as well.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:00 pm

Mitsui Gold's are good, but they WERE a lot better before Computer Support Italcard took over Mitsui :cry:

To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as Taiyo Yuden Gold CD-Rs.

An alternative to Mitsui Gold would be Ritek's gold discs, which are very high quality.....*AND* reviewed on my webpage :D (www.thedolphinreview.com)

the company I work for also happen to be a Mitsui and Ritek gold CD-R distributor too :wink:
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Postby aviationwiz on Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:04 pm

False labeling happens all the time. Just take disks that say for Audio, for Video, for Data on them. It's really just the same disk, with a different label, they get your money there. It's part of life, I just buy normal TY CD-R's and stay away from these "Gold" CD-R's.
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Postby VEFF on Fri Oct 03, 2003 10:07 pm

Unfortunately since enforcement of false advertising laws (among others) is apparently not too high a priority, it happens all the time, just like aviationwiz says...
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Oct 04, 2003 3:07 am

aviationwiz wrote:False labeling happens all the time. Just take disks that say for Audio, for Video, for Data on them. It's really just the same disk, with a different label, they get your money there. It's part of life, I just buy normal TY CD-R's and stay away from these "Gold" CD-R's.

careful what you say there Aviationwiz, there *IS* a difference between regular CD-Rs and Audio CD-Rs. Audio CD-Rs have a little digital signiture which enables them for use in Stand alone stereo CD recorders. Most stand alone stereo CD recorders will not burn a standard CD-R.

However, the rest of what you say is true. Both Maxell and Mitsui are known for their "for Data use" and "for Video use" CD-Rs/DVDRs and both companies have admitted that they are strictly for marketing purposes. (in the case of maxell, they admitted this to me personally :wink: )
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