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WinISO combined with Nero 5

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WinISO combined with Nero 5

Postby dentarg on Wed Oct 01, 2003 12:50 pm

Well I modified a nrg image and add some files and directories; then I "save" and exit WinISO.

I burned it with nero, previous asked me set 2048 sectors information, and when I try to access the disc windows says there is no disc inserted.

I used CD/DVD diagnostic tool (http://www.arrowkey.com/index.html) and i got that info:

The following information was collected by CD/DVD Diagnostic
Copyright 1997-2002, Arrowkey, Inc.

Table of Contents
There are a total of 2 tracks on disc, plus the lead-out.
Disc manufacturer: MPO Type: Phthalocyanine (gold)
Track 1 occupies 264738 blocks (58 Min, 49 Sec, 63 Frames).
This track contains data and is **Unknown** format.
Track 2 occupies 95035 blocks (21 Min, 7 Sec, 10 Frames).
This track is marked as being blank.
There are 95035 free blocks in this track.
Error reading track data from disc, no further information available
Lead-out track starts at block 359773.
This disc appears to be "open" and can have data added to it. The pointer is 264738
Next writable location on disc is 264738
There are one or more conditions that make replication of this disc questionable.

Can I still recover my disc? or I´m pissed off :oops:
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Postby TheWizard on Wed Oct 01, 2003 7:28 pm

Hmm, what burner are you using? Also, did you try reading the burned disc in another CD-ROM/CD-RW drive?
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Postby dentarg on Thu Oct 02, 2003 6:17 am

Thx for the response TheWizard

Yep, I´ve tried to read it on 2 different drivers with different O.S. but Windows still says "there is no disc inserted" :cry:
I´m using LG GCE 8400B burner. I hope I could fix it somehow.

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Postby koszopal on Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:09 am

did u tryed to mount image on deamon's tool (or other mounting images prog) ? or did u tryed burn on other cd-rw disk ?
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Postby TheWizard on Fri Oct 03, 2003 12:48 am

Yes, try mounting it and make sure all the files in the .nrg work. WinISO can extract the files for you to the directory of your choosing. You can also use Daemon-Tools or Nero ImageDrive.
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Postby dentarg on Mon Oct 06, 2003 5:15 am

koszopal, TheWizard thank for the tip.

I´ve tried it and it worked :D

Unfortunatelly, the disc I burned befored was a complete crap :(

Cya 8)
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Postby integspec on Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:11 am

afaik, Winiso is not very good at handling NRG. It's probably best to stick to ISO format instead of NRG. Glad you could recover your data but as you have said, what you burned is only good as a coaster.

Next time try Alcohol / Clone CD for ISO operations. No complaints about NRG technology but I abandoned it out of pure inconvenience.
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