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is DURON better than CELERON?

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is DURON better than CELERON?

Postby liteonrules on Mon Sep 29, 2003 8:48 pm

I saw two barebone kits where i live:
1. )
PC Chips 810 motherboard onboard 950mhz duron 200mhz bus speed processor
with modem and 350watt mid tower atx case $89.99
SOYO 7IWM/L Socket 370 MotherBoard With Intel 810
w/ 1.0 ghz celeron 100mhz bus speed
no modem and a 400watt mid tower atx case $79.99

which is better?
i am building for my 5 year old niece
NEC 2500A $20 10/04
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Postby Dartman on Mon Sep 29, 2003 9:20 pm

Well I think the Duron is a better cpu all around even at 950. The board it's on may be so so, packages usually are.
But for a kid it really doesn't matter as long as it works stable she'll be happy.
Ya never know when she might want to start downloading mp3's with that modem, record industry beware..... :roll:
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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Sep 29, 2003 10:40 pm

I'd say the Duron would be faster, but, the Celeron might be more stable. I'm not sure, I've never used a Duron or Celeron.
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Postby Dartman on Mon Sep 29, 2003 11:27 pm

I've used both and the Duron is way better if the Board is good. Step Sister is still using a Duron 600 on a old first generation socket a board and it works good with XP.
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Postby pranav81 on Wed Oct 01, 2003 1:26 am

I would stick with Celeron because Celeron would give a stable system and low heat emission.I have myself seen Duron and Celeron and I must say that though Duron is good,Celeron is rock stable,more stable than Duron and Celeron also has good thermal properties.
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Postby manni on Wed Oct 01, 2003 6:49 am

There's nothing wrong with Duron stability. If motherboard works as it should, it's very stable.
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Postby yuki chan on Fri Oct 03, 2003 8:22 pm

In my opinion the duron is a better cpu

In benchmarks the duron 950 kills the 1.0ghz celeron

Also the celeron only sports a 66mhz (old core) up to 100mhz bus speed while the duron sports a 200mhz bus speed

And from personal testing a duron runs more stable with better multi tasking than the celeron
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Postby pranav81 on Sat Oct 04, 2003 1:33 am

Well guys,each one has different views and different usage.I have used about 4 Duron's and believe me I faced severe heat problems as the normal temperatures here is India are a little bit more than in the Western countries.Just started facing blue screens,hang's,etc.But I did not experience these problems in Celeron/Pentium anytime.Also new Celeron 1.1G + has 100 Mhz FSB.The Celeron may be slower than it's AMD counterpart,but it definitely more stable.
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Postby blakerwry on Sun Oct 05, 2003 12:57 am

The stability has nothing to due with the CPU, sorry. Both CPUs are rock stable. As is everything that has come out of intel since the 486 and everything that has come out of AMD since the Slot Athlon.

If you're having heat problems it is likely due to poor case design or poor HSF installation/choice.

Personally, I would prefer the Duron system. Sinply because it is probably upgradable to more RAM and a faster CPU.

The Celeron system likely tops out at 512MB and a faster CPU is pointless in that mobo. The Duron should be able to take somewhere between 512 and 1GB of RAM and I would suspect upto a AthlonXP 2600+ CPU.
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Postby pranav81 on Sun Oct 05, 2003 1:26 am

Hi blakerwry,
I had mentioned that the Duron has heating problems.And I have seen systems crashing due to overheating of the processor.The system can also crash due to overheating of components like memory,graphics card GPU,etc.
Also I had mentioned that the temperatures here in India are higher as compared to western countries.Also the implementation of air conditioner's is also very meagre.So the PC's are normally in an open dusty environment.AND due to this I have seen systems with AMD processors crash more then their Intel counterparts.
Anyway,no abuse intended,we can express ourselves without any problems :) .Each one of us can have different views. 8)
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Postby VEFF on Fri Oct 10, 2003 11:01 pm

I have an AMD CPU in each of my PCs (one is a 1.2 GHz Thunderbird; the other is an XP 2600+ 2.1 GHz).

Yes, they do generate more heat that Intel CPUs, but even on warm days (I do have central AC, but I leave it off when I am at work) they still work fine.
They have never given me a single problem in terms of stability.

I think the key is to have adequate case cooling (extra case fan(s)). Fans are cheap and can greatly reduce potential stability problems; especially with AMD processors.
I don't even have large cases (which would be better for airflow):
I have two hard drives in each PC now (I actually had three in one PC before getting the second PC) and FIVE optical drives in a special design MID tower (as opposed to full tower) that has bays going all the way from the top of the case to bottom, so there isn't as much breathing room.
However, they both work fine.
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Postby pranav81 on Sat Oct 11, 2003 2:39 pm

Hi Veff,I must say that I am not that lcuky. :(
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