1.) Got new motherboard, RAM & processor last week. Installed everything, went smoothly, I'm happy.
2.) Started to notice my IDE activity light on my case was blinking once every second no matter what and my harddrive was making repeated clicking noise.
3.) Suspected my harddrive was failing, ran tons of test and its fine. Got advice to make sure that none of my ATA100 IDE cables were bad. Swapped all of them out but still blinking IDE light and hdd clicking. Pulled power and IDE from my CD drives and blinking and clicking STOPPED. Hooked up just my DVD drive and no blinking or clicking. Hooked up just my burner and blinking and clicking are back.... so, I've narrowed it down to my Lite-On LTR-40125S....
Has anyone ever heard anything about this? Lets assume something is wrong with my burner, why on earth would it cause my harddrive to repeatedly click and blink my IDE activity light?
(So right now I have just my DVD drive in my case and everything is normal. I DID NOT have this problem prior to installing my new mb, RAM, and CPU on Thursday of last week but DID FLASH MY LTR-40125S TO THE NEWEST FIRMWARE BEFORE MY NEW INSTALL... does anyone know if the new firmware for this drive causes such issues? If so should I worry about it? Buy a new burner?)
Thank you so much for you help with this!