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Plextor PX-708A Which Software?


Plextor PX-708A Which Software?

Postby RoydRage on Sun Sep 28, 2003 12:39 am


Which Software is everyone favoring at this point... Got my 708 Today and have been pulling my hair out...

I had Nero 6000.15 already installed, and of course it did not work... I was able to Record a CD-R @ 40X With Maxell 40X Media. But With DVD's I made 5 Coasters...

Unable to Close Disk At Once, And Unable to Complete Burn. This with Verbatim 4X DVD+R, and TDK 2.4X DVD+R.

Interesting... A problem that maybe no one noticed... If you use the Nero InfoTool, It does not even qualify the Drive as Being able to Write OR Read DVD+R's !!! The Boxes for DVD+R are unchecked.

I always used Nero, and was happy with it... But I really need the PX-708 in this air cooled rig Because I have room for one burner with the DVD-116, and Kenwood 72X are installed, and this 708 does 40X CD-R... That's what made me buy it.

I never like Roxio Stuff... But If it's the only thing that will alway work with the drive so be it. I have the Nero 6000.15 Un-Installed and the Registry Cleaned. Nero 6000.11 and the Plextor Disc Waiting in the wings...

Which way do I go?

Thanks, Royd
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Postby bobmitchell on Sun Sep 28, 2003 12:45 am

There is supposedly a bug with closing...there is another post in the Ahead forum...With that said...I have used the Plexy and and have not had any problems closing with it. I am currently also using again...success after success in writing Movie DVD's, etc. I don't get the problems with Info Tool as well...perhaps there is a problem with the new version...will have to wait for an update....but I suggest you try problems should go away.

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Postby RoydRage on Sun Sep 28, 2003 1:05 am

bobmitchell wrote:There is supposedly a bug with closing...there is another post in the Ahead forum...With that said...I have used the Plexy and and have not had any problems closing with it. I am currently also using again...success after success in writing Movie DVD's, etc. I don't get the problems with Info Tool as well...perhaps there is a problem with the new version...will have to wait for an update....but I suggest you try problems should go away.


Bob, You have seen this on another thread?

technics wrote:ok i did some more testing and it doesnt work anymore, i tried verbatim datalife+ (mcc002) now, went from 6x straight to 4x and nero 60011 couldn't close the disc anymore. i am pretty fed up with this, i burned 2 discs out of 15 "8x" at real 8x :\

btw anyone read the review @ cdrinfo ? they mentioned the same slowdown... still some work to do for the plextor engineers...

edit: now i tried some ricoh4x, burned fine with nero, almost full disc took 7:34, no slowdown, nothing, also closed fine. pretty strange how cheap ricoh discs burn fine without any problems and the verbatim discs dont..

Why Not just run the Roxio? As Jack suggested to me? Is It that bad.. One guy said it worked flawlessly and fast for him... Just not user friendly.

You talked about Re-formatting, and thanked Roxio... Did it hose your system? EEK!

Thanks, Royd

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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Sep 28, 2003 1:11 am

I use Nero with my PX-708A. Works great. I personally do not like Easy CD Creator, but it is all a matter of opinion.
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Postby tazdevl on Sun Sep 28, 2003 1:16 am

I refuse to use EasyCD, POS software and I will not have a hardware company dictate what software I should use for something as mundane as a burner... then again Nero isn't actling up to snuff lately. Chamces are they're psushing EasyCD because they got a better DEM deal, not based on the technical merits of the software.

Not to mention, Plex Developer Support and Ahead should be talking a bit more than they are. Thing that bothers me is that it seems like there is a lot of finger pointing going on between the two and nothing happening.

Try Nero 60011. I'd also recommend not upgrading the firmware. Some folks are having problems with 1.01.

Stay on Jack @ Plex... they seem to think that there isn't anything wrong with the drive.
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Plextor PX708A

Postby ruderacer on Sun Sep 28, 2003 1:27 am

It seems that everyone is having one problem or another with the PX708A. If is not the firmware is the software. Could we say that Plextor released their burner with a bunch of flaws?
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Sep 28, 2003 1:41 am

I wouldn't say that. Many products have problems when they are first released. The bulk of problems here appears to be with the latest Nero versions, and it looks like to me that Ahead is just not fixing it. They haven't even responded to an email from me from about 3 weeks ago.
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Postby RoydRage on Sun Sep 28, 2003 1:47 am

tazdevl wrote:I refuse to use EasyCD, POS software and I will not have a hardware company dictate what software I should use for something as mundane as a burner... then again Nero isn't actling up to snuff lately. Chamces are they're psushing EasyCD because they got a better DEM deal, not based on the technical merits of the software.

Not to mention, Plex Developer Support and Ahead should be talking a bit more than they are. Thing that bothers me is that it seems like there is a lot of finger pointing going on between the two and nothing happening.

Try Nero 60011. I'd also recommend not upgrading the firmware. Some folks are having problems with 1.01.

Stay on Jack @ Plex... they seem to think that there isn't anything wrong with the drive.

I agree, there are all kinds of hidden agendas that we don't know about... But regardless. As you say The Nero is just not doing it... At least Plextors support answers you right away instead of 3 days later like Nero's, And to boot, First I got a form answer to in-install, and re-install the software when all I asked is if it supported the drive before I bought it, I then fired off a reply which I got an enthusiastic "YES! It Does Support It" to which I reply; NO IT DOESN'T!

I'm real close to installing the Roxio... But I wish I could get some confermation that someone likes it... I don't like playing musical software with my O.S.

Regards, Royd
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Postby bobmitchell on Sun Sep 28, 2003 3:47 am


It's not flaws with the Plexy...it's Nero AND ECDC...I have been using Nero flawlessly with the PX-708A. It burns DVD's...it Burns CD-R's and CD-RW's...Nero 6 has a lot of issues.

As for ECDC 6. I installed it when I got the drive. Drag to disc certainly worked better than InCD. However...as Roxio always does...every module worked...except Classic. When I tried to open the main screen...I got a .dll corruption. Now...because it was an old install of XP Professional...I nuked my drive...instead of figuring out how to fix the problem. My main problem with Roxio was version 5...which was junk. I really liked what they did to version 6. Only problem...I couldn't figure out how to burn a DVD Movie with ECDC 6. With Nero...I have been doing it for a year...still easier.

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Really Frustrated

Postby RoydRage on Sun Sep 28, 2003 1:35 pm

So now Bob is saying that ECDC 6 will Corrupt my Machine.

It's plain that installing any of the Late Versions Of Nero will get unpredictable results... I'm dejected!

Here is a copy of a final Reply I have sent To Nero Support with some editing to hide his name:


First you send me a form reply when I asked you if Nero 6 Supports the Plextor PX-708A Telling me to un-install my software that I didn't even have yet. Next, you tell me "Yes it will definitely work with it".

You knew good and well that there are issue after issue with the PX-708A, and Nero 6...

You made me spend my hard earned money, and waste an entire day trying to get this to work... Now I find it in the News Groups, again, and again "Will Not Close Disk" And Other Issues. NeroTools does not even regcognize the Unit as being able to burn, or Read DVD+R's.

Plextor themselves replied to me instantly stating that it would not work because they have been deluged with calls about it. And You have also, because the people state it on the forums.

You are Lazy, Shiftless, and Deceitful. You Should be ASHAMED!

I have used Nero for over 3 Years, and have installed it, and recommend it, to/for others... I have sold many copies for your Company. I will not continue to use it, and you have lost a very good, and loyal customer... You could have been straight forward, and perhaps I would have waited for a fix.

I am un-installing it, and Will never pay for it. I'm disputing with my Credit Card Company. I have all the proof with your e-mail, and quotes from the News Groups that it does not work. So many, that we know for sure it's not specific to my Machine, as Plextor will back up.

I'm also sending this to the Parent Company... And my even have it translated by a Friend.



You just can't believe in a Company anymore I never liked Roxio, because of bad expieriences with a buggy, and ill working early verison, and the fact that after un-installing it, it left the O.S. Rigged to not let any other companies burner software be installed, it also had spyware... This took heavy registry editing to fix..

I just don't know what to do... I don't want to give up the 40X CD-R , and 3X DVD+R capability of the PX-708A

Last edited by RoydRage on Sun Sep 28, 2003 2:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby bobmitchell on Sun Sep 28, 2003 2:24 pm

I can't say that you'll get corruption with ECDC...but I did! That's all I said. However...remember...I didn't have the patience at the time to run a repair on ECDC...it might have fixed the .dll problem. Before that happened...I actually thought that Roxio had done a better job with version 6...Drag to disc is actually pretty good.

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Postby RoydRage on Sun Sep 28, 2003 6:29 pm

bobmitchell wrote:I can't say that you'll get corruption with ECDC...but I did! That's all I said. However...remember...I didn't have the patience at the time to run a repair on ECDC...it might have fixed the .dll problem. Before that happened...I actually thought that Roxio had done a better job with version 6...Drag to disc is actually pretty good.

It's not flaws with the Plexy...it's Nero AND ECDC...I have been using Nero flawlessly with the PX-708A. It burns DVD's...it Burns CD-R's and CD-RW's...Nero 6 has a lot of issues.


WoW! Bob AWESOME!!! You are absolutely right! My Old Backup of Download Applications Had NERO 5.510.42 On It So Before I put 6000.11 In... Or the ECDC 6 in I tried it... IT WORKED FLAWLESSLY!

My first completed burn since this whole fiasco started... It did 2.5GB of thosands of small mixed files in under 5min With a TDK 4X DVD+R. I verified the Data after it finshed, and bravo... No Problems...

Thank You! You were all over it from the beginning. Which version of InCd Should I use? I'm just going to listen to you from now on.

Thanks Much.... Royd
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Postby Ian on Sun Sep 28, 2003 8:41 pm

DLA 3.xx and 4.0x have problems with the PX-708A and DVD-RW media. It won't format the discs and I can't get it to recognize media formatted by other drives.
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Postby VEFF on Sun Sep 28, 2003 10:02 pm

I haven't had any problems with Nero 6.
I also have Easy CD/DVD 6 Platinum installed on the same Win XP Pro system.
No conflicts for me.
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Postby bobmitchell on Mon Sep 29, 2003 3:33 pm


Right now...the only option you have for InCD is the 4xx...right now...4.0.56...only the last couple of versions recognize the drive. A new version is pending...

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Postby vsekh on Tue Sep 30, 2003 9:16 am

Hi RoydRage,

I completed my first successful burn with a DVD+R media at 8x speed using Nero using Memorex 4x DVD+R media. I got one coaster with Nero
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Postby RoydRage on Tue Sep 30, 2003 10:17 pm

vsekh wrote:Hi RoydRage,

I completed my first successful burn with a DVD+R media at 8x speed using Nero using Memorex 4x DVD+R media. I got one coaster with Nero


That's good! People here are having success with the, But if you read all the posts... There are many that are also not having success, and hit or miss burns...

It probably has a lot to do with your other hardware configuration also...

All I know is the older Version 5.51.42 That BobMitchel recommended has worked perfectly all formats... All the time. So I'll just wait till Version or whatever proves itself.

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Postby VEFF on Tue Sep 30, 2003 10:27 pm

When I posted in reply to a post in this thread, I forgot to answer the original question.

I mainly use Stomp RecordNow Max 4.5
I also use Nero

Both have worked flawlessly for me with the 708A, with both firmware 1.00 and 1.01
Burners only:
Pioneer DVR-115D
Pioneer DVR-111D
Plextor PX-716A TLA0304
Plextor PX-716A same TLA

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King Solomon has just arrived!!

Postby ksolomon on Tue Sep 30, 2003 10:43 pm

I have a 708 as well and I've had massive problems with the 6.0.xx versions. I run Nero 5.5.42 and eveything runs cherry.. I've seen the Roxio that comes with it work pefect aswell. Unfortunalty the program blows other then that.. Oh and NERO 6.x.x.x has all sorts of other bugs
purtaining to cdr burning aswell...

I have a My hacked Toshiba works perfect with "on the fly burns" too...

Postby tazdevl on Tue Sep 30, 2003 11:55 pm

FYI, Plex support just keeps saying use ECDC because its the only software the drive has been "certified" to run on.

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Postby OC-Freak on Wed Oct 01, 2003 7:44 am

tazdevl: that must be wrong as the plex comes shipped with Nero here in Europe.

So it should work with both Nero and ECDC.......

Although it do not work to well with Nero and I'm having my deal of problems with the plex as well but it seems to work much better with nero
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