My infrequently used LT163 just can't read crap, I'm wondering what to do about a replacement.
Currently, I have a Teac 16X CDRW and the LiteOn DVDROM drive.
I really like having 2 drives. So, considering prices, should I spend the $35-40 and get a new DVDROM only drive or a little more and buy one of the CDRW/DVDROM multi drives to go with the Teac?
Any advantage to having an DVDROM ONLY drive instead of the multi type drives?
My needs/wants: I don't read/rip DVDs very often. I frequently burn CDR/CDRWs tho.
I would like to have 2 optical drives.
Moving up from 16X to 52X CDRW isn't that big of a deal to's not like I'm sitting waiting for disc to burn anyway.
I really like quiet drives.
I don't do much DAE...tho, having a drive that is accurate when I do is important.
....that's all I can think of for right now.