I agree:
I have 768 MB and 512 MB in my two PCs respectively.
I couldn't be happier with the performance.
Combined with XP, they are solid as a rock - in terms of stability.
No lockups, no BSOD, no performance issues
Considering the prices, you can't go wrong.
I paid about $57 shipped inc tax for 512 MB of Crucial DDR RAM back in January
I remember buying 32
KB for $159 in the early 80s for my first "PC".
That is 48,000 times more expensive!!!!!
Hard drives are the same:
I remember seeing hard drives in Computer Shopper in the early 90s
for about $2,000 / gig or $1,000 for 2 gigs.
Now you can get $180 GB for $99 after rebate, (even better if you got in on a Hot Deal, but I won't use those for comparison purposes).
I heard blank CD-Rs were $70 per disc when they first came out!!!
Talk about expensive coasters...
Now you get 100 CD-Rs for $8 after rebate....
OK, I'll stop now