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Lost tracks on Burned CD

Postby thinboy1 on Fri Sep 19, 2003 9:16 am

Has this happened to anybody else? I burned a music CD that contained 17 tracks. I've never had any problems playing it in my home or car CD player. However, I had a rental this week and I played the CD and noticed that 10 of the tracks mysteriously vanished. I brought it home and played it on other CD players and sure enough the same thing happened. Flipping it over, I can see that the tracks were losted. There doesn't appear to be any damage on the back like scratches. I do keep the CD in my car and the weather is typically in the 70-80s, which I would consider normal. Would this have any effect on it or do you think the rental car's CD player damaged or erased the tracks?
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Postby Matt on Fri Sep 19, 2003 10:37 am

If you put the disc in your computer, what's it see in terms of the number of readable tracks? If the full number, are they all playable in your cd-rom/dvd-rom?
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Postby PadG on Fri Sep 19, 2003 11:29 am

Keep in mind also that strong lights (direct sunlight) may be able to damage the dye!
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Lost data

Postby thinboy1 on Sat Sep 20, 2003 12:21 am

When I tried to play in on my computer DVD, CD burner, or my portable CD player, it still listed 7 tracks instead of 17 tracks. I used the Nero software for burning if this makes any difference.

As for sunlight, I usually store my CDs away from direct sunlight - below the seat or in one of the side door pockets. :o
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