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Plextor 8X +R / 4X -R PX-708A for $258 shipped

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Plextor 8X +R / 4X -R PX-708A for $258 shipped

Postby VEFF on Fri Sep 12, 2003 4:02 pm

LiveWarehouse now has it for US$258, shipped free.
I know this is NOT a cheap price for a DVD burner, but it is the best for the new 8X +R / 4X -R Plextor.

I had originally made mention of this 'deal' earlier, when replying to a thread in the DVD Recordable forum.
Burners only:
Pioneer DVR-115D
Pioneer DVR-111D
Plextor PX-716A TLA0304
Plextor PX-716A same TLA

LiteOn 52246S 52X CD-RW
LiteOn 52246S (another)
LiteOn 52327S 52X CD-RW
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Postby DReborn on Sat Sep 13, 2003 3:55 pm

that is a good price....too bad I just picked up the pioneer 106 for 160 (shipped). =) I'll have to grab the plextor next time around with their 16x burners. :wink:
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sat Sep 13, 2003 8:00 pm

Since there is no 8X media widely available yet, I'll wait. When the 8X media becomes widely available, the drive will probably be much lower in price.
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