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In House Review - TDK Indi DVD 440N 4x DVD±RW


In House Review - TDK Indi DVD 440N 4x DVD±RW

Postby Ian on Fri Sep 05, 2003 10:45 am

Happy Friday everyone! To finish up the week we've taken a look at TDK's new 4x DVD±RW drive, the Indi DVD 440N. This new drive can write to both DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW media and offers some pretty impressive specs. The drive is capable of 4x DVD±R, 2.4x DVD+RW and 2x DVD-RW writing speeds as well as a maximum DVD read speed of 12x. Along with some good looks, the 440N also includes features like 16x CD writing speeds, 32x CD read speeds and support for buffer underrun protection.

In this review we'll take a look at some of the features found on the Indi DVD 440N and see how it compares to the DVD±RW drives from Sony and TEAC. How does the 440N stack up? You'll have to read the review to find out.

TDK Indi DVD 440N 4x DVD±RW

As usual, if you have any comments or questions about this review or the TDK Indi DVD 440N, please post them in the forum using the link shown below.

While not one of our sponsors, I wanted to point out that Meritline has the 440N on sale for $199.99 after a $20 coupon (tdkindi-20off). To take advantage of this deal, click here.
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writing Ultra Speed CD-RW discs ?

Postby maarten on Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:50 am

Does the TDK DVD-rewriter also write the Verbatim 24X CD-RW discs,
and if so at what speed ?

(I heard the BenQ 4X DVD-rewriter rewrites these at 10X)

Buffer Underrun
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Re: writing Ultra Speed CD-RW discs ?

Postby Ian on Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:11 am

maarten wrote:Does the TDK DVD-rewriter also write the Verbatim 24X CD-RW discs,
and if so at what speed ?

I didn't try, but if it works, the max rewriting speed will probably be 10x.
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