I can't say I'm too impressed with DVD media packaging these days. I picked up the Ultra 4x4x from TigerDirect this week, and low & behold, it's a BenQ drive with (a reported) 8mb buffer, which is better than the 2mb they said it would have. I've not made a SINGLE disc on it yet, because I want to get RW discs, to get my feet wet.
So here's where I run into a problem. Went to FutureShop, and looked for x4+RW discs. Well, maybe they have them, maybe they don't. Half the packages had NO speed listed on them.. Of course, the idiots working there were of NO help at all (It could be x4, give it a shot!). Even the web site said there were in stock, on the shelf (but of course no where to be seen).
So.. I eneded up getting a package of labeled 2.4 Maxell discs. I probably paid too much for them, but what can ya do, eh? Get a box with no speed listed and end up with x1 media?
I'll take them back in the morning. Add to that the DVD+ media isn't as popular at the local stores, there isn't much choice.
Am I asking too much? Doesn't it seem silly they would put speeds on one package of discs, but not on another??