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TY Fuji's Question

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TY Fuji's Question

Postby JustRob on Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:32 pm

Hello- Its your friendly neighborhood CDR/PC idiot again with a question.

Recently I had some problems with a bad drive or media. It has since been resolved thanks to a fellow forum member "CDRecorder". TYTY

Anyways I just got my hands on a 50 Pk of Fujis from Best Buy. There are Made in Japan and when I looked at them with the CD Indentifier they are Taiyo. From reading on this forum for the last two days this brand of CDR and the fact that TY is one of the best apparently leads me to wonder.

When I go back to Best Buy to get more in a month is there a way to know that what I am getting is the exact same stuff I have been using? I read in one thread if it is made in Japan it is TY but in another thread someone said this is not true. Any insight will be appreciated cause if I have too I will go get a stockpile of them now but I would rather wait till I need em.

Thanks in advance.


PS: One last thing lol. On EZCD it has this option for Finalize disc. I only use CDR's (no RW at all) to burn Audio or to save AVI,MPEG or both. Should I set it to finalize disk everytime? Have not seen good info on this so I think if is common knowledge to you guys but to me it makes no sense :( TY
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Postby tazdevl on Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:07 pm

Every piece of Fuji I've ever bought has been made by TY. Only thing that I can think of is if they bought some slower speed CDRs that Fuji has outsourced to someone else.

Best way to tell is if you look down through the top of the package. The inner ring is clear if it isn't TY it's clear, opaque if it is TY. Also look to see if it's made in Japan.

There might be a chance that the person that didn't get TY got a hold of some counterfeit discs. It does happen on occasion depending where you live.

Unfortuntately they changed their packaging a bit, so it's harder to tell.

If you finalize, there's greater compatibility from a reading standpoint.
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Postby JustRob on Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:32 pm

Cool. Thanks. I grabbed my spindle and looked and I see what you are saying about the opaque. I also looked where it says MADE IN JAPAN. I will remember these things and check them when I buy them with my CD identifier. I appreciate the info. I will go back into read and learn mode and take all this in.

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Postby Infinity on Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:59 pm

Recently Fuji has been packaging non TY discs for their 100pk, no one knows if this is a temporary thing or a sign of things to come. I believe the discs were made by Prodisc.

You might want to check out this thread for more details: Link
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Postby rdgrimes on Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:22 pm

See this thread. It appears that Fuji is abandoning TY media for CMC now too. There's a link there to contact Fuji and let them know how you feel about this change.

Maybe we can get Ian to post a news article about this too. Fuji needs to get some #$%& over this change.
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Postby CDRecorder on Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:57 pm

That's really too bad that Fuji is switching to other manufacturers than TY. I always used to recommend Fuji media because it was always TY.
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Postby JustRob on Thu Sep 04, 2003 4:40 pm

Great, just when I found a good one they are in the process of switiching lol. Well I dont have many choices left since I get all mine at best buy near my home. They only offer Fuji, Imation and Memorex now. They stopped carrying Verbatim (the store near my home) dunno why. They also have TDK but my burner will not allow it to go over 24X so they are out too.


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Postby CDRecorder on Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:15 pm

Imation media is made by CMC, too. I've used Imation 32x media, and it works great with my LTR-32123S. :D I don't know how good Imation's current media is, though.
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Postby JustRob on Thu Sep 04, 2003 10:37 pm

Hey do you folks know who makes what or is this just by testing stuff you buy with that identifier thing?

I guess essentially what I am asking is. Is there a list around somewhere that says whp makes what. Worth a shot.........Thanks

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Postby CDRecorder on Thu Sep 04, 2003 10:46 pm

You can find this info with the Lite-On SMART-BURN Media Check Program.
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Postby Coyote on Thu Sep 04, 2003 11:01 pm

So what other brands use TY? All brands I ever see, except Fuji, say Made in Taiwan. I'm not buying Fuji anymore, if it's not TY. Fuji just lost a customer.
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Postby rdgrimes on Thu Sep 04, 2003 11:30 pm

The same rule still applies in the USA, whether you're talking about Fuji or any other. If it says "Made in Japan", buy it.
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Postby JustRob on Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:30 am

I picked up some more today. I got a few more 50PK spidles from FUJI and saw they were made in Japan. When I brought them home they were TY according to that thingie LOL.

I am happy. Same stuff.......No problems for me I hope.

Thanks to all for your help..
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Postby TheWizard on Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:58 am

Coyote wrote:So what other brands use TY?

You can find older Memorex, TDK, HP, and Sony spindles with the screw cap and "Made in Japan" statement printed on the plastic covering. Both are trademarks of TY. Some Plextor discs are also made by TY. "That's CD-R" is TY's actual brand, I believe. And, finally, Sentinel is another brand that uses TY discs. Although, Sentinel discs are not available in the USA...not from what I have seen.
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Postby tlotz on Sat Sep 06, 2003 12:39 pm

Coyote wrote:So what other brands use TY? All brands I ever see, except Fuji, say Made in Taiwan. I'm not buying Fuji anymore, if it's not TY. Fuji just lost a customer.

The last time I checked, Maxell CD-R Pro (note the very important *Pro*)40X certified CD-Rs are made by TY. Just check for the made in Japan on the outside of the package. These discs overclock to 48X without a problem (and probably 52X, but never tried it). The problem with buying Maxell CD-R Pro is that they are expensive. They are sold in thick jewel cases and spindles of 25 at Walmart, Office Depot, and Staples.
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Postby Harrier on Sun Sep 07, 2003 7:35 am

JustRob wrote:I picked up some more today. I got a few more 50PK spidles from FUJI and saw they were made in Japan. When I brought them home they were TY according to that thingie LOL.

I am happy. Same stuff.......No problems for me I hope.

Thanks to all for your help..

What was the cost if i may..?
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Postby JustRob on Sun Sep 07, 2003 6:12 pm

12.99 50Pk spindle with a 8.00 MIR


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Postby rdgrimes on Tue Sep 23, 2003 8:30 pm

Just an update:
I found some new packaging today at CompUSA, the Fuji 48x in 50-ct spindles turned out to be Prodisc. A test of the media indicates it's the same ATIP as the 100-ct spindle, but is of lesser quality. this is typical of Prodisc, you never know what you're getting.
you can see the test HERE, as well as the previous test of the 100-ct spindle.
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Postby CDRecorder on Tue Sep 23, 2003 11:09 pm

Certainly not up to the TY standards. :x
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Postby rdgrimes on Tue Sep 23, 2003 11:42 pm

I wonder if we're seeing the beginning of the end of TY CDR's. Maybe they are moving to only DVD recordables.
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed Sep 24, 2003 12:09 am

I certainly hope not! I think that CD-R still has a lot of time left before it entirely disappears.
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Postby rdgrimes on Wed Sep 24, 2003 12:16 am

We know from news reports that they are changing over CD production lines to DVD, so we will certainly see fewer CDR's around. The only TY that I can find in any stores here is the ultra-expensive Maxell-Pro. (other than remaining Fuji stock)
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Wed Sep 24, 2003 6:09 am

From what I've seen of CompUSA's Fuji stock, all 50 packs have converted to non-TY.

However, Best Buy still have all TY 50 pack Fuji CDR's, while their 100 pack Fuji CDR's are non-TY.

So this means I'll be buying Fuji 50 packs from BB in the mean time only.
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Postby Bonesdad on Fri Sep 26, 2003 6:32 pm

tazdevl wrote:Every piece of Fuji I've ever bought has been made by TY. Only thing that I can think of is if they bought some slower speed CDRs that Fuji has outsourced to someone else.

Best way to tell is if you look down through the top of the package. The inner ring is clear if it isn't TY it's clear, opaque if it is TY. Also look to see if it's made in Japan.

There might be a chance that the person that didn't get TY got a hold of some counterfeit discs. It does happen on occasion depending where you live.

Unfortuntately they changed their packaging a bit, so it's harder to tell.

If you finalize, there's greater compatibility from a reading standpoint.

Interestingly, the Fuji 30 pack I just bought sez MADE IN JAPAN, but has a clear top spindle...
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Postby CDRecorder on Fri Sep 26, 2003 6:34 pm

What do you mean by "a clear top spindle"? If you mean that it doesn't have the rotating cap that holds the cover on the spindle, that's normal for newer TY spindles.
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