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LiteOn LTR52327S does not handle Philips 48x very well... ?

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LiteOn LTR52327S does not handle Philips 48x very well... ?

Postby XIII on Tue Sep 02, 2003 4:17 pm


With my deceased Plextor 24/10/40 I never had any problems burning Philips 48x certified CD's at 24x. Now I use a LiteOn LTR52327S which allows me to burn them at their certified speed of 48x, but with bad results (Nero cannot finish data verification because of read errors at the end):


Burning at 24x works much better (Nero data verification will finish without errors):


This is how the discs are recognised by SmartBurn 3:

Drive Type = CD-RW
Disc Type = CDR (A-)
Material = Phthalocyanine
Lead In = 97:15:17
Lead Out = 79:59:70
Nominal Capacity = 702.82MB (79m 59s 70f/LBA:359845)
Manufacturer Maybe = RiTEK
Smart-Burn Speed Limit = Wrt(52X),Rd(52X)

This happend on all discs. Are these Philips/RiTEK discs bad, or is my LiteOn drive not that well?
Last edited by XIII on Tue Sep 02, 2003 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LiteOn LTR52327S does not handle Philips 48x very well..

Postby Ian on Tue Sep 02, 2003 4:29 pm

XIII wrote:This happend on all discs. Are these Philips/RiTEK discs bad, or is my LiteOn drive not that well?

Before putting the blaim on the drive, try some other media. The Philips media isn't that great. I've bought a few spindels of the CMC stuff and some of it was really good, while the other stuff was crap.
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Postby Jim on Tue Sep 02, 2003 7:13 pm

I've been playing around with my new LTR-52327S as well. Fuji (TY) 48X works wonderfully even at 52x, but the CMC Imation 48x can only be burnt at 24x and still pass Nero's data verification after the burn. Interesting enough, the Imation will still pass Nero CD Speed Scandisc check after being burnt at higher speeds (32x+) even though the discs fail Nero Data Verification right after the burn. Firmware QS09.

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Postby mrk1283 on Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:02 pm

I got some Datasafe Datawrite unmarked speed media (the black bottom type) from SVP the other day, they are detected by Nero/SMartburn as max 16x but with smartburn off I can burn them at 52x perfectly with 708MB of data being the limit of overburn on these discs!

Very pleased with Datasafe media

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:06 am

XIII: I don't know if you noticed or not, but you have 2 different media types shown there... The one that did well is Ritek, but the one that did poorly is "unknown". If you post the ATIP for the "unknown" media, perhaps we can help you identify it?

mrk1283: Do you know who manufactured those discs? What does SmartBurn say? could you at least post the ATIP if it doesn't list a manufacturer, or both if you don't mind. I just hope they aren't the Ritek Black CD-Rs that I have run into before!
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All my discs were/are RiTEK

Postby XIII on Thu Sep 04, 2003 5:27 pm


After re-reading my post I saw the "unknown".
Maybe a glitch in K-Probe or my drive, but SmartBurn 3 identifies them all with the information I posted in this thread: RiTEK.
No unknowns...
As it should be, since all discs came from the same Philips CD-R80 48x 50 discs spindle...
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Postby integspec on Fri Sep 05, 2003 4:07 am


Maybe totally irrelevant to this thread. But with the Liteon 52327S writer I had simialr problem. When I checked the AION 99 Mins / 870 MB CD with Smatburn, it certified for 48x. This CD is only certified for 32x by manufacturer and Liteon failed miserably around 99% in nero 6.0011 while writing at 48x which was chosen default by the drive. Btw, when these cds were written in 32x they went very well.

I bought this drive because of Liteon's reputation but to know even smartburn fails is disappointing.

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Sep 05, 2003 10:18 am

never ever EVER burn a (full) 99min CD-R faster than 24x.... and usally stick with 12x or 16x if you can help it! The burn quality just goes down hill *SO* quickly if you don't.
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Postby mrk1283 on Fri Sep 05, 2003 10:22 am

O noticed that if I burn at 52x on thes eblack bottom datasafe media (default unrated but smartburn detects 16x) The burn is perfect BUT copying stuff off the cd when it gets near the edge is near impossible, this is a pain if you say cpoy over a 700MB files (divx) and want to copy it off the cd to hdd but burning it at 16x is perfect. I guess I'll leave smartBURN on :)
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Postby integspec on Fri Sep 05, 2003 9:53 pm

Thanks / Merci dolphinius_rex for the info.

Should try burning at these speeds and do a kprobing to see the error rates.

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