Hehe I didn't even open the bag with the software that was included in the drive..so no, I haven't tried b's software. I read a review on it on this very website and it said the software sucked in comparison to Nero, so I just use Nero.
DVDXCopy Xpress gives poor quality when it compresses a larger movie down to the 4.7 blank size. I tried it with Terminator 2. I didn't actually burn it, I ran the movie through the program first, and then without closing x-copy(therby deleting the compressed files) I played them in powerdvd and was appalled at the crappy quality.
DVDshrink is
FREE and gives beautiful results. Even on heavily compressed movies like The Two Towers I can't notice any quality loss. As soon as I tried DVDshrink, I deleted Xcopy xpress and thanked God that I didn't actually pay money for that crap.
If you go
HERE you can read how to use DVD shrink as well as links to the program. As well the sit has all kinds of guides you can use to backup your movies in a variety of way with links to all the programs you might need. Awesome site.