Got a bunch today(3 10pks). Burn 2 coasters in a row with SCSI Target Error. This is the first time that I see this error with my DVDRW228. Going to return all the remaining ones....
The media cannot be identified by any info program I can find: SmartBurn 3.1.1, Minfo 1.6 and DVDInfoPro 2. All list as unknown manufacturer.
The disc has very poor quality looking center ring, looks like the 2 layers does not 'glue' together properly. It has the text of DVD+R KP101-13 on the inner dye ring.
One thing I noticed with my DVDRW228 is that when writing just the lead-in, it gives this unstable 'high pitch sound'.... don't know how to describe it in words. The drive gives a low volumn but high pitch sound as the motor spins I think.... but with these crappy CompUSA media, you can hear that the spin speed doesn't seem to be very stable.
Burn an Memorex media immediate after the 2 coaster, was fine.... so it was not the drive. Using Philips DVDRW228 Firmware 1.51.
I would suggest you stay away from these medias!