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WARNING: CompUSA DVD+R (On Sale week of 8/31/03 - 9/6/2003)


WARNING: CompUSA DVD+R (On Sale week of 8/31/03 - 9/6/2003)

Postby minchin on Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:23 am

Got a bunch today(3 10pks). Burn 2 coasters in a row with SCSI Target Error. This is the first time that I see this error with my DVDRW228. Going to return all the remaining ones....

The media cannot be identified by any info program I can find: SmartBurn 3.1.1, Minfo 1.6 and DVDInfoPro 2. All list as unknown manufacturer.

The disc has very poor quality looking center ring, looks like the 2 layers does not 'glue' together properly. It has the text of DVD+R KP101-13 on the inner dye ring.

One thing I noticed with my DVDRW228 is that when writing just the lead-in, it gives this unstable 'high pitch sound'.... don't know how to describe it in words. The drive gives a low volumn but high pitch sound as the motor spins I think.... but with these crappy CompUSA media, you can hear that the spin speed doesn't seem to be very stable.

Burn an Memorex media immediate after the 2 coaster, was fine.... so it was not the drive. Using Philips DVDRW228 Firmware 1.51.

I would suggest you stay away from these medias!
CD-RW Thug
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Joined: Fri Oct 11, 2002 9:33 am

Postby Stoner on Wed Sep 03, 2003 3:17 am

Unfortunately money talks, and people are lured to cheap stuff no matter how bad the quality is.

FujiFilm 2.4x and TDK 4x DVD+R for me thank you very much. Haven't made a coaster w/ my stack of made in Taiwan Fujis yet, but can't wait to get my hands on the made in Japan TDKs. Still have 50 unopened Fujis, so the 100 TDKs will just have to wait.
CD-RW Thug
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Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:42 pm

Postby DonBerg on Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:26 am

The house-brand CompUSA DVD+RW on sale is crap too. I tried a pack of 5 and everyone totally fails on verification - its shows as Optodisc for the manufacturer with dvdinfo2. I have had no problems however with Imation and Meritline DVD+RW's and they both show as Ricoh.
Buffer Underrun
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Postby tig2002 on Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:28 am

Although I have dual-format DVD burner, I prefer burning DVD-R format media since I found that most standalone home DVD players prefer DVD-R format, including xBox. For that reason I purchased CompUSA 10-pack DVD-R media (also on sale this week for $7.99). The media was recognized by DVD Info Tool as Princo 1x DVD-R, and I was able to burn a movie at 2X on my Optorite DD0203. The burn process went flawlessly at 2X, and I was able to play the movie on my burner, EPO DVD-ROM drive, xBox and Samsung 631P DVD changer.

I remember trying to burn CompUSA DVD+R media in the past, and I got either coaster or burned DVD that was not recognized by any DVD player, including the burner itself.

Although CompUSA blank DVD disks are made by different manufacturers, I would recommend staying away from DVD+R's, but DVD-R media is something that is worth to try, especially at 80 cents per disk (!).
Buffer Underrun
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