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LG 4040B Can't read DVD+R, but can write them at 4X!


LG 4040B Can't read DVD+R, but can write them at 4X!

Postby CyberG99 on Mon Sep 01, 2003 5:06 pm

Hey guys, ok here's what I'm working with:

Windows XP SP1
LG GSA-4040B (w/A300 firmware)
Memorex DVD+R (rated at 4X)

I can burn a full DVD+R in Nero at 4X perfectly fine. BUT, I can't read the cd through Windows Explorer! When I double click on the drive with the DVD+R in it, I get the following error:

"E:\ not accessible. Incorrect Function"

HERE's the wierd thing. I can read the DVD+R through IsoBUSTER and Nero, but not windows!!!

I'm burning just regular data to it (no multisession). I also tried DVDXCopyXpress and same thing, writes fine, no read in windows. I never had Adaptec/Roxio burning software installed. I tried with no aspi layer, aspi 2.6 and aspi 2.7.1, none of them worked. DVD-RAM's read and burn fine, and all DVD's (movies and games) read fine.

Anyone have any suggestions, or seen something like this before???? Stores are closed today, but first thing 2moro I'm gonna go get some DVD-R's and try them.

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Postby myckee on Mon Sep 01, 2003 6:27 pm


I have the same drive, same firmware, same memorex discs, same nero and same windows XP sp1. I can read the discs I burn, when they are in the LG drive and my other pioneer drive, through windows explorer.

Are you ejecting the disc after it burns? Usually you won't be able to read the disc through windows directly after the burn without ejecting it first.

Obviously it is not a problem with the drive because the drive is reading the disc or it wouldn't work in nero or isobuster. The problem is with windows somehow.
Last edited by myckee on Mon Sep 01, 2003 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby CyberG99 on Mon Sep 01, 2003 6:30 pm

Thanks for the quick reply myckee.

I always take out the cd , it definetely has to be a windows problem.

What software are you burning them with? and are they UDF/ISO or ISO (you can pick in nero)
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Postby myckee on Mon Sep 01, 2003 6:35 pm

Well so far I have only burned movies using Nero. I haven't tried to burn data with it yet. I'll try now. I'll report back in a few minutes.
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Postby CyberG99 on Mon Sep 01, 2003 6:44 pm

cool... guess what, I got a data cd to work in B's Gold 5.

All i had to do was go File > Options > Drive Settings, then click on the property box and select "Emphasize the reading compatibility" under "DVD+RW/+R Recording Setting" tab.

Did you make DVD movie copys in Nero? or what kind of movies have u burned?
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Postby myckee on Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:11 pm

Ok, I just burned a full data dvd using Nero. I used DVD-ROM(ISO) mode to burn the data.

I can read the disc in windows explorer without any problems.

The movies I have burned are full backups of some of the dvd's that I own. Some of them wouldn't fit on one disc and either need to be compressed using DVDshrink to make them fit, while others will fit perfectly on the blank disc without any compression.

The reason some need to be compressed is the fact that some DVD movies are burned on 2 layer dvd discs therby holding almost 10 gigs of information (called dvd-9) and others are single layer just like the blanks that we can buy and therefore hold 4.7 gigs (called DVD-5).

So far I have burned Terminator 2, The Matrix, X-Men, Cast Away, The Fifth Element, LOTR-The two Towers.
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Postby CyberG99 on Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:33 pm

Hmm... that's not good news... maybe time for a Windows XP re-install.

Have you used B's GOLD5 at all? or DVDXCopy Xpress to backup your dvds?
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Postby myckee on Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:47 pm

Hehe I didn't even open the bag with the software that was included in the drive..so no, I haven't tried b's software. I read a review on it on this very website and it said the software sucked in comparison to Nero, so I just use Nero.

DVDXCopy Xpress gives poor quality when it compresses a larger movie down to the 4.7 blank size. I tried it with Terminator 2. I didn't actually burn it, I ran the movie through the program first, and then without closing x-copy(therby deleting the compressed files) I played them in powerdvd and was appalled at the crappy quality.

DVDshrink is FREE and gives beautiful results. Even on heavily compressed movies like The Two Towers I can't notice any quality loss. As soon as I tried DVDshrink, I deleted Xcopy xpress and thanked God that I didn't actually pay money for that crap. :)

If you go HERE you can read how to use DVD shrink as well as links to the program. As well the sit has all kinds of guides you can use to backup your movies in a variety of way with links to all the programs you might need. Awesome site.
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Postby drdim on Tue Sep 02, 2003 1:34 pm

Today I bought some traxdata dvd-r 4x (RitekG04) and it worked great burning at 4x speed. :)
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Postby lgmayka on Tue Sep 02, 2003 2:52 pm

The Traxdata brand is only sold in Europe, right? I can find no sale of Traxdata media at any US Internet store.
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Postby jase on Tue Sep 02, 2003 6:12 pm

The Traxdata is just A-grade bulk Ritek G04 media with the Traxdata brand on it (Traxdata used to be an independent European company but they went bust and the name was bought by Ritek themselves).

If the Traxdatas work well (and why shouldn't they -- the Ritek - media is VERY high quality for the price) then so should any other bulk Ritek disc.
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Postby reckless on Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:27 am

Can anyone tell me where I can get Ritek media online in Canada? (or other good media)

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:25 am

Look for Leda 4x DVD-Rs, they're a cheap re-brand of Ritek 4x DVD-Rs :wink:

Depending on where you are in Canada, www.precisionsound.com may be a good place to go. They have locations in BC, Alberta, and Ontario. You have to call for quotes though, no listed pricing on their site.
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Postby CyberG99 on Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:15 am

I just bought three types of media yesterday: (all individual with jewel cases)

Ritek 4X DVD-R - $2.99/ea
Maxell 2X DVD-R - $1.99/ea
Pioneer 4X DVD-R - $4.99/ea

**If you buy 100 you get 10cents off each and if you buy 500 you get 20cents off of each**

All of these media work great!!! I am having no problems burning anything (data, video) like I was with the Memorex DVD+R. Never again will I buy Memorex crap, wasted $15 for nothing.

Let me know how those prices are. I got them from Toronto, a place called http://www.sonnam.com (they do ship). I'm going to go back and get a shiite load of Ritek 4X's, they rock!
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Postby VEFF on Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:27 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:Look for Leda 4x DVD-Rs, they're a cheap re-brand of Ritek 4x DVD-Rs :wink:

Depending on where you are in Canada, www.precisionsound.com may be a good place to go. They have locations in BC, Alberta, and Ontario. You have to call for quotes though, no listed pricing on their site.

I thought Leda was Lead Data, which in turn was not too good?
I don't plan to buy any, but I was just curious...
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Postby cfitz on Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:28 am

reckless wrote:Can anyone tell me where I can get Ritek media online in Canada? (or other good media)

Have you tried http://www.blankmedia.ca/ ?

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Postby Canuck on Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:56 pm

Got my LG 4040B from futureshop today. burned some Xbox games on Memorex DVD+RW but none is working. But both Memorex DVD-R/+R are working for my picky Philips DVD-ROM of my Xbox.

Will try some movies tonight...

Strange thing is the drive came with A300 firmware. Is this normal? The box is not sealed, neither is the drive. Is there any chance this is an openbox?
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Postby Ian on Thu Sep 04, 2003 8:28 pm

Canuck wrote:Strange thing is the drive came with A300 firmware. Is this normal? The box is not sealed, neither is the drive. Is there any chance this is an openbox?

Check the label on the top of the drive. Right below the S/N, you should see something that says "ROM VER" and then the firmware the drive shipped with.
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Postby Canuck on Fri Sep 05, 2003 12:22 pm

Yes, there is a line under the S/N read "ROM VER: A300". So the drive shipped with the latest firmware :D The manufacture date is Aug 2003. So it's pretty new.
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