by naki on Tue Sep 02, 2003 6:58 am
There shouldn't be any problems with the system, drive is running in DMA2 mode and the HD is running plenty fast, the buffer stays full the entire burn. I did try the drive on another pc with an older version of nero and it also coastered. Enabling data verification in nero was interesting, it would eject the cd and remount when it was done, then just sit there and say please insert cd, thinking there was nothing there. I went out and purchased an IOmagic drive, which is a rebadged DD0203, and flashed it to 2.16, installed it, and the weirdest thing happened. I burned onto a -r, and the disc was blank when it was done. Burned to it again, and again it was blank, using nero and dvddecrypter. So I get thinking it's an issue with my pc, but I know the other drive definitely had issues as well. So I tried this new drive in the other pc, and it burned a disc at 4x no problem. Formatted my pc and stuck in the original optorite, coaster again. Stuck in the new drive, burned at 4x ok, but it did skip in my dvd player quite a bit, as well as my dvdrom, but not in the burner. At least the disc is actually being written to now. I'm going to do some more testing when I get home, but i'm running out of discs, a 25 pack goes fast when more than half are coasters =(