wonderwrench wrote:1)Blue screen on a check disk boot (uninstall incd4 problem gone)
2)This drive is in use buy another app (uninstall incd4 problem gone)
3)Incd4 still does not see a unformated cdrw and ask to format it.
4)system performace hit. Not as bad as directcd but I can feel it's loaded.
note: I have not beta tested InCD40503 yet but i'm working up to it.
Point 1) have been fixed in InCD Time to test the update!

Point 2) needs clarification: if this occurs when a udf-formatted RW media is inserted, this is a normal behavior (to avoid conflict of InCD and Nero accessing the media at the same time). To workaround you just need to eject the media, launch Nero, re-insert the media.
Point 3) should be better in InCD Pilgrim signaled me although that under XP it seems to not work if IMAPI is disable. Currently been checked in our QA labs.
Point 4): Well, the additionnal memory charge can hardly be avoided. Although an operating system like NT4/2k/XP will without trouble move the unfrequently used memory pages to swap. About CPU charge, after been up several hours, if I don't use InCD, I see CPU Time for incdsrv.exe and incd.exe in Task Manager both to 0:00:00 (aka, not even 1 second, and this is on a not so new 1 Ghz computer). Thus, can you give concrete example of the system load you experiment?

wonderwrench wrote:My big beef with all cdrw software is you cant turn it off.
Packet writing software always has a driver you can't unload.
Unfortunately this is by design of Windows. Filesystems are drivers in the Windows architecture, it is not possible to write a filesystem as user-mode application. Also, Windows does not allow drivers to be loaded and unloaded at wish.
Maybe Linux with its capacity to load/unload kernel modules will better fit your needs, but so far I think they support of packet-writing is rather weak.
wonderwrench wrote:Because of this packet writing software/drivers are problematic.
I want an option to not load it on start up and if I want to use it, load it on the next boot. It would work for me.
With InCD 4 this sound not impossible to write but it will take much time to be test. I will add it to my list of christmass-whishes