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Forum signups -> use your brain

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Forum signups -> use your brain

Postby Matt on Fri Aug 29, 2003 1:35 pm

If you sign up for the forums, *PLEASE* do not use a challenge/response guarded email address. I refuse to monitor the forums mailbox to click on every single link that comes through.

That's the worst thing about challenge response, you can't sign up for *anything* that isn't closely guarded by a person to click on all the links it sends back. Examples: Forums, just about allmailing lists, financial statements, online order tracking responses, etc.

Thank you for your e-mail. In an effort to address the growing spam issue and to therefore respond to your e-mail sooner, your e-mail message with the subject of "Welcome to CDRLabs.com Forums" has been placed in a temporary holding file. It will be delivered immediately after you complete this simple one-time process of checking the link below, in the future, all of your e-mails to me will automatically be delivered:

[url snipped]

While I apologize for this one-time minor inconvenience, this sytem will assist me in more rapidly responding to your future e-mails while eliminating the growing problem of spam that confronts each of us.

If you would like to find out more about QuikCop, and how it can reduce the SPAM in your inbox, please visit the QuikCop website at:
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Postby cfitz on Fri Aug 29, 2003 1:44 pm

That is a bit much. I agree with Matt on this one. He has better things to do with his time than click on email links from unknown people (which is a bad thing to do, security-wise, anyway). And from a totally practical point of view, using such an email address to sign up for things is likely going to stop you from getting much of what you want because most people won't take the time/effort to respond.

If you want to keep your primary email protected, then get a "junk" address at yahoo, hotmail, etc. That is what I do. I keep one address at hotmail open for signing up for things so that any resulting spam (note that CDRLabs does not send you spam) ends up there rather than at my main address.

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Postby CDRecorder on Fri Aug 29, 2003 2:44 pm

cfitz wrote:If you want to keep your primary email protected, then get a "junk" address at yahoo, hotmail, etc. That is what I do. I keep one address at hotmail open for signing up for things so that any resulting spam (note that CDRLabs does not send you spam) ends up there rather than at my main address.

I take this approach, too. In fact, I have never gotten any spam at my current main address. :D
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Postby Turkeyscore.com on Fri Aug 29, 2003 7:44 pm

i do the same...
zzzt *pop*
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