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Extracting TDK5200B Firmware

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Extracting TDK5200B Firmware

Postby minchin on Wed Aug 27, 2003 9:50 pm

Does anyone know how to extract the actual firmware from the TDK firmware upgrade program?
I know that TDK5200B is a OEM Lite-On 52246s. However, I know that the TDK firmware used to have (at least the TDK4800s) has better ability to extract VCD images.
Thanks for any info!

CD-RW Thug
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Postby CDRecorder on Thu Aug 28, 2003 1:05 am

Use a program called LiteFirm. You can download it and read about it here.
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Postby minchin on Thu Aug 28, 2003 9:42 am

Thanks for the info.
I tried it and it worked. I used the litefirm version 2.3.

Just to report that with the 6S0F firmware of LiteOn and the latest from TDK 5200B, the extraction speed was the same for Mode2 data disc (VCD). Strange that my old TDK 4200B extracts faster than the 52X drive.... Average of 18.5x extraction speed vs 20x.

CD-RW Thug
Posts: 85
Joined: Fri Oct 11, 2002 9:33 am

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