First I got some crappy Memorex 10x CD-RW media (CMC Magnetics manufacturer) and tried to write at 10x with it with my older 16x10x40x CD-RW drive... put this into my Lite-On 166S DVD-ROM, ran K-Probe, and got a average C1 error rate of about 3.4. This drive really doesn't like these discs, it does have problems reading them back. Next I tried the same files on the same disc with my Toshiba SD-R5002. A bit better, 0.7 error rate. I did the same thing again with the LG combo drive. I got about 7 C1 errors in an entire 14 minute block. Very good! Is it time to retire my old 16x10x40x?

Next, I tried reading some DVD media in it. The Princo DVD-Rs that my other two DVD-ROM drives were struggling with (LG, Lite-On 16x) were read just fine in this drive.
Makes me want to get one for my own!