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How to burn to DVD-RAM using Backup

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How to burn to DVD-RAM using Backup

Postby bobmitchell on Sat Aug 23, 2003 1:29 am

I thave a Panasonic UJ-810 drive in my Toshiba laptop. Want to backup to DVD-RAM, which is faster than DVD-R. When I attempt to backup to a DVD-RAM disk, I get that the disk is full and when I go to erase, I get an error.

I checked NTI website and my drive is on the list. Is there something I am missing using DVD-RAM?


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Postby wmtanner on Mon Aug 25, 2003 4:24 pm

Hi Bob,

You need to load your Panasonic RAM drivers for Windows. If the RAM drivers are loaded properly then Backup NOW! will see the RAM media as a Removable Hard Drive and will write to it like a HD. Formatting and erasing the DVD-RAM media would be done using Windows Explorer or My Computer.

I am not sure how this will impact the speed difference you mentioned between DVD-R and DVD-RAM. It is my understanding that we are also working on the support of DVD-RAM directly from Backup NOW!. Once completed, you will not need the Panasonic RAM drivers for Windows when backing up to your drive. Check our website periodically to see when the native DVD-RAM support is available.

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Postby bobmitchell on Mon Aug 25, 2003 4:37 pm

According to the NTI site...the backup program should write to DVD-RAM. In addtion...I have the drivers loaded. I initially tried the program with the DVD-RAM disk right out of the package...unformatted. Then, I formatted the DVD-RAM disk using FAT 32 instead of packet writing format...and still got "can't write to" errors. That's why I figure that I've done something wrong. BTW...I did this using the evaluation version of NTI Backup Now that is available from their website. Wasn't sure that I wanted to purchase if it didn't work. I can currently write to DVD-R using GHOST...but because it's done at 1X it takes a long time. Was hoping the DVD-RAM speed of 2X would save me a lot of time.


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Postby wmtanner on Mon Aug 25, 2003 5:09 pm


Why don't you email me @ billt@ntius.com and I will get you in touch with our Support Manager. He is more current on the DVD-RAM side than I am.

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