ATi Radeon 7000/Radeon VE 260 Egyptian Pounds
ATi Radeon 7500 450 E.Ps
NVidia GeForce4 MX 440 450 E.Ps
(A U.S. Dollar equals about 6 Egyptian Pounds)
I know that there are more powerful cards out there, but the prices of these three cards suit me fine.
I saw the Radeon 7000 on a friend's PC: FIFA 2003 looked ok, but I have the feeling that it's like an entry-level. So I was thinking about the Radeon 7500, but I don't know whether there's an increase in performance proportional to that of the price (approaching 2x the Radeon 7000). Unfortunately I don't know much about the GeForce4 MX 440, but some friends recommend it to me.
I read a thread here on CDRLabs
but the prices of the recommended cards are way out of my budget (1100 E.Ps+).
Which one of these would you recommend, and how would you sort them according to quality? Thanks a lot in advance