Ian wrote:"Terminate" him...
Ian wrote:Believe it or not, Arnold is a smart dude. I'm not a Republican, but I'd probably vote for him. The only thing that sucks is we'll probably never see him in another movie.
BuddhaTB wrote:Arnold has got my vote.
F Davis for this stupid @$$ car fee increase. Arnold should run him over with his Hummer!!!!
what's the difference between a Statesman and a Politician?
a Statesman is a dead Politician.
God knows we need more Statesmen...
dodecahedron wrote:there's a first time for everyone (and everything).
now we'll see if he's as good at governring as at dodging questions and issues (on that last count, he appears to be a competent politician at least).
an old joke:what's the difference between a Statesman and a Politician?
a Statesman is a dead Politician.
God knows we need more Statesmen...
aviationwiz wrote:I am proud to say, that Minnesota is no longer the dumbest state in the US. California now is. Minnesota runs fairly far behind in 2nd place.
VEFF wrote:aviationwiz wrote:I am proud to say, that Minnesota is no longer the dumbest state in the US. California now is. Minnesota runs fairly far behind in 2nd place.
Oh, you have Jesse (The Body) Ventura right?
I honestly haven't paid attention to his performance or track record since he entered political office.
Spazmogen wrote:Just remember, he has some HEAVY Kennedy connections through his wife's family.
I'm not up on US politics, but I think the Kennedy clan are Democrats & Arnold is a Republican so I'm not sure if the advice would lead him astray.
VEFF wrote:I guess that is how frustrated Californians (or should I say "Kahlifawnians") were with Gray Davis.
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