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DOA Liteon 52327S?

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DOA Liteon 52327S?

Postby genepool on Fri Aug 15, 2003 1:31 am

Just built a computer from scratch with the following parts:
epox 8rda+
256 ram from crucial
barton 2500+
Saphire 2600pro
Maxtor 80 gig

Here's the problem: I can't boot from a cdr! I can boot using my original copy of Win98se or Winxp but if i try it with a cdr, it doesn't boot. I also booted to dos using the win98se startup disk and the drive doesn't recognize any cdr's, only pressed cds. Did i get a bum drive?[/i]
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Postby genepool on Fri Aug 15, 2003 2:10 am

Well, i confirmed its the drive and not the system or cables. I plugged the drive into my current system and it won't read anything but pressed cds.... Now i have to return the drive to newegg....hopefully, they can overnight a replacement, i have to read their rma procedure...... :(
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Postby lightningbaron on Mon Aug 18, 2003 12:10 am

If the drive is defective, see if newegg.com will pick up on your shipping charges of the defective drive. I have been satified with newegg.com customer service. Do not set expectation to be overnight, they will normally ship via "FedEx Saver".

I had one instance in which they shipped the wrong drive, then shipped a correct replacement drive that got damaged while in transit. They were kind enough to pick up the shipping charges to ship the wrong drive and damaged drive in both cases.

Good luck and I hope all goes well.
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Postby genepool on Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:00 am

Thanks. I spoke to customer service and they upgraded the shipping to overnight for free. Good customer service like this is why i do almost all of my shopping from there.
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