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New MultiMounter for Win2K/XP

Nero Burning ROM, Nero Express, NeroVision Express, Recode, InCD, etc..

Postby kaikow on Tue Aug 12, 2003 12:51 am

This is a multiboot system.

Win 98 on C
Win 2000 on F, that's why nero 6 is on F
Another Win 2000 on G.

I'll try the Merge later when I next boot to F.


Being a masochist, I decided to try Nero in Win 98.

1. No problem installin Nero, indeed, without installing multimounter, one still gets the Volues Tab.

2. Flush from my in installing Nero, I installed NVE2011.exe, with no apparent problems.

3. Oh well, it was too good to last!

I next installed InCD40121.exe. No apparent problem UNTIL the reboot after the install.

a. System hung while Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar was starting at startup.
b. Clicking on Start button got me to SEttings, then to Control Panel, but clicking on Control Panel was a NO-OP. I was able to get to Control Panel working from My Computer.
c. Before the system hung, everything looked great, system tray icons appeared, but then suddenly icons in system tray vanished and time partially disappeared.

I tried several times, by disabling things such as scanner software, Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar, etc.

I am a bit groggy now, or perhaps you cannot tell the difference, I also tried dropping back to InCD 4017, I forget where the full stops go.

So cannot use Nero 6 in Win 98.

I can use Nero with InCD, but I cannot find an EWR that will install in Win 98. Trying EWR (, or results in a continuous reboot, so I have to go into SDafe Mode and uninstall EWR.

Inertia wrote:MultiMounter is installed by default in Nero 5.5 so there is no "without using MultiMounter" in that version. Again, it only works with Win95/98/ME in versions before v6.

kaikow wrote:I did exactly what you did, but Ahead should have provided an automated install, rather than relying on users to do so many steps.

I agree that the install is tricky, and seems more like a "hack" than a normal install. On the other hand, Nero users seem to like and expect complexity and "tricks" as if this was a positive design benefit. Competing software that is easy to use is denigrated as being "beginner software". If you want to be a true blue Nero user, fasten your techno-machismo armor, grit your teeth and enjoy the complications. 8)

I noticed in your MultiMounter.reg file that your Nero directory is on your F: drive. On my system the Program Files are in the same directory as the operating system. I wouldn't think that this should be causing your problem, but any differences are worth noting and investigating if necessary.

Did you use the "Merge" command by right-clicking on the MultiMounter.reg file? Did you received the confirmation message that the .reg file had been merged into the registry? If you don't recall, do the "Merge" procedure again to make sure. Repeating it won't cause a problem and will just overwrite an earlier entry.
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:32 am

Hi Kaikow,

I did assume from your previous statements that you were installing MultiMounter properly. Based on how you had described in previous Emails as to how you installed it.

But Inertia is right that I should have gone over it step by step just so that we all know that we are all on the same page, instead of my assuming we were. :-?

And the Merge suggestion is a good one.

But I have not tested this on a Dual boot system, and with the OS being on a seperate drive letter such as F:, as in your case. I need to test this to rule this out as the cause of our trouble with MultiMounter. I am on the road all this week, but when I get back next week I will create a Dual Boot system with Windows 98 and W2K with SP4 and see what occurs.

And yes, we could and should provide a more user freindly MultiMounter installer, and we will eventually. As those who have been with us for a while may have noticed, we normally come out with a solution that looks like a 'Hack' initially, just to get a solution out there. And then when we have more time, come out with a more user freindly solution, so that even a Novice user can install it without needing to know much about computers. Our first goal is always to get a working solution out first, and then pretty it up later down the road. :)

And last, you mention that you can not use Nero 6 till we resolve our issue with Dates on InCD 4. Nero 6 is a completely seperate program from InCD 4. And you do not need InCD 4 installed to work with Nero 6. And the issue with the dates are being addressed by our Engineers. Among other issues we have with InCD 4.

And if you are worried about using Nero 6 with other Packet Writing programs, there should not be a problem with that either. As we have tested them all with Nero 6 and do not find any problems. But then again, there are other problems you have on your system that we can not yet duplicate either, so I can not say that I know 100% you will not have trouble. But I am 90% sure. :P


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Postby Inertia on Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:57 am

CCampbell wrote:But I have not tested this on a Dual boot system, and with the OS being on a seperate drive letter such as F:, as in your case. I need to test this to rule this out as the cause of our trouble with MultiMounter. I am on the road all this week, but when I get back next week I will create a Dual Boot system with Windows 98 and W2K with SP4 and see what occurs.

Craig, for what it's worth, the MultiMounter install I did to WinXP was a dual boot setup, with Win98SE on the C: drive and WinXP on the D: drive. The WinXP MultiMounter install went off without a hitch with this configuration. :)
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Postby kaikow on Tue Aug 12, 2003 10:57 am

Note that the OS is NOT on a separate drive letter.

Dual boot system is irrelevant to the issue, unless your implementors made, to be polite, absolutely stupid coding decisions.

The relevant issue is likely Win 2000 SP4 with multimounter.
Clearly related is the question of why, with Nero, the Volumes tab shows in Win 98, but not in Win 2000. The answer to this is likely quite simple, once the developers see the question.

I cannot use Nero 6 because I need packet writing and InCD will not install under Nero 6 license.

Note that since ISOBuster, the Info Tool and Nero 6 recognize that there are multiple sessions, the problem is not with the drives used, rather it must be with the implementation of multimounter, perhaps, only on Win 2000 SP 4.

Worse are the problems caused by trying to install InCD 4.* in Win 98.

CCampbell wrote:Hi Kaikow,

I did assume from your previous statements that you were installing MultiMounter properly. Based on how you had described in previous Emails as to how you installed it.

But Inertia is right that I should have gone over it step by step just so that we all know that we are all on the same page, instead of my assuming we were. :-?

And the Merge suggestion is a good one.

But I have not tested this on a Dual boot system, and with the OS being on a seperate drive letter such as F:, as in your case. I need to test this to rule this out as the cause of our trouble with MultiMounter. I am on the road all this week, but when I get back next week I will create a Dual Boot system with Windows 98 and W2K with SP4 and see what occurs.

And yes, we could and should provide a more user freindly MultiMounter installer, and we will eventually. As those who have been with us for a while may have noticed, we normally come out with a solution that looks like a 'Hack' initially, just to get a solution out there. And then when we have more time, come out with a more user freindly solution, so that even a Novice user can install it without needing to know much about computers. Our first goal is always to get a working solution out first, and then pretty it up later down the road. :)

And last, you mention that you can not use Nero 6 till we resolve our issue with Dates on InCD 4. Nero 6 is a completely seperate program from InCD 4. And you do not need InCD 4 installed to work with Nero 6. And the issue with the dates are being addressed by our Engineers. Among other issues we have with InCD 4.

And if you are worried about using Nero 6 with other Packet Writing programs, there should not be a problem with that either. As we have tested them all with Nero 6 and do not find any problems. But then again, there are other problems you have on your system that we can not yet duplicate either, so I can not say that I know 100% you will not have trouble. But I am 90% sure. :P


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Postby kaikow on Tue Aug 12, 2003 7:39 pm

I tried one more time to get multimonitor to work:

1. Uninstaaled all Nero/ICD software.
2. Ran Nero CleanTool.
3 EasyCleaner and Norton Utilities Win Doctor to eliminate all identified crap in Registry;
4. Installed Nero, rebooted, started Nero, entered license code, installed multimounter, rebooted.
5. rebooted again in response to message about updated drivers.
6. tried multimounter, still no Volumes tab.
7. Installed InCD, rebooted.
8. Erased CD-RW.
9. After Erase, Formatted CD-RW as MRW.
10. Had to use drive button to Eject media.
11. Copied file to CD-RW, yes, I first re-inserted the media!
12. Installed EWR, is that the latest version of EWR? Rebooted.
13. Moved CD-RW to CD-ROM drive.
14. Alas, file is not shown, instead I see the Autoirun.inf, etc.
15. Did not bother to install NVE2011 or NeroMix1404.

OK, what version of EWR do I need?
Do I have to uninstall and the install the autorun.inf?

Can this get worse?
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Postby Inertia on Tue Aug 12, 2003 10:56 pm

See EasyWrite Reader kills CD-MRW under Win98 SE for relevant information.

Per the Nero site at EasyWrite Reader:

This tool was developed to allow you to read discs written in MRW format on systems that do not support MRW and includes the UDF reader for Windows 95, 98 and ME.
(emphasis mine)

It may not be necessary to install ERW on a system that has hardware and software that support MRW. On my EZCD 5/DirectCD installation in Win98 without any supplementary reader installed, I can read a MRW formatted disc on two non-MRW Plextor burners and a DVD-ROM. The MRW writer is a Liteon LTR 52246S.
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Postby kaikow on Tue Aug 12, 2003 11:53 pm

The EWR to which the link you gave is version, whicj I have in Win 2000 SP 4 partion on the G drive.

The F drive has Nero, InCD on Win 2000 SP 4 so I was tring to install the latest EWR that I had downloaded from Ahead, i.e., EWR

But doesn't do the deed in the Nero 6 configuration, so I've uninstalled, and installed, which does seem to work.

This is indicative of very poor testing and implementation at Ahead, since the earlier verion of the EWR works.

So the flaws in the Nero 6 configuration remain:

1. InCD date bug, a showstopper.
2. Multimounter not working, not a show stopper but annoying.

Inertia wrote:See EasyWrite Reader kills CD-MRW under Win98 SE for relevant information.

Per the Nero site at EasyWrite Reader:

This tool was developed to allow you to read discs written in MRW format on systems that do not support MRW and includes the UDF reader for Windows 95, 98 and ME.
(emphasis mine)

It may not be necessary to install ERW on a system that has hardware and software that support MRW. On my EZCD 5/DirectCD installation in Win98 without any supplementary reader installed, I can read a MRW formatted disc on two non-MRW Plextor burners and a DVD-ROM. The MRW writer is a Liteon LTR 52246S.
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Postby Inertia on Wed Aug 13, 2003 12:36 am

The InCD date bug may be a showstopper for that version of InCD, but it is no reason not to use Nero 6. As CCampbell has previously explained, InCD is a completely separate program from Nero, and does not have to be used if MRW packet writing is desired.

In other words, if you like Nero 6 but can't use InCD, you are perfectly free to install and use Roxio's DirectCD with it. It also supports MRW, and personally I prefer it to InCD anyway. If you decide to try this, be sure that InCD is uninstalled first as packet writing programs do not usually coexist without conflicts. It's OK to have Nero and EZCD installed together.

Again, did you use the "Merge" command with the MultiMounter.reg file? Did you get the confirmation that stated that the entries had been successfully installed in the registry?
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Postby kaikow on Wed Aug 13, 2003 1:36 am

I realize that I could use Direct CD, but I prefer not to mix vendors, especially when the software in this area leaves a lot to be desired.

Yes, I used merge, but that does not matter.

I'm going to try to find Nero and InCD 3.51.61, as kck indicated that worked with EWR in Win 98. Alas, it's hard to find things at Ahead's multiple sites.

I won't give up without a fight!

Inertia wrote:The InCD date bug may be a showstopper for that version of InCD, but it is no reason not to use Nero 6. As CCampbell has previously explained, InCD is a completely separate program from Nero, and does not have to be used if MRW packet writing is desired.

In other words, if you like Nero 6 but can't use InCD, you are perfectly free to install and use Roxio's DirectCD with it. It also supports MRW, and personally I prefer it to InCD anyway. If you decide to try this, be sure that InCD is uninstalled first as packet writing programs do not usually coexist without conflicts. It's OK to have Nero and EZCD installed together.

Again, did you use the "Merge" command with the MultiMounter.reg file? Did you get the confirmation that stated that the entries had been successfully installed in the registry?
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Postby Inertia on Wed Aug 13, 2003 2:53 am

ftp://ftp.vit.edu.tw/pc/drivers/cdr/ner ... 1.61UP.exe


kaikow wrote:I won't give up without a fight!

I assume that you mean you won't give up complaining while I find solutions for you. 8)

Since "thanks" doesn't seem to be in your vocabulary, I hope that you are temporarily mollified. :wink:
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Postby kaikow on Wed Aug 13, 2003 1:57 pm

Inertia wrote:ftp://ftp.vit.edu.tw/pc/drivers/cdr/nero/InCD3.51.61UP.exe


kaikow wrote:I won't give up without a fight!

I assume that you mean you won't give up complaining while I find solutions for you. 8)

Since "thanks" doesn't seem to be in your vocabulary, I hope that you are temporarily mollified. :wink:

My vocabulary includes "thanx".
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:43 pm

kaikow wrote:Note that the OS is NOT on a separate drive letter.

Dual boot system is irrelevant to the issue, unless your implementors made, to be polite, absolutely stupid coding decisions.

The relevant issue is likely Win 2000 SP4 with multimounter.
Clearly related is the question of why, with Nero, the Volumes tab shows in Win 98, but not in Win 2000. The answer to this is likely quite simple, once the developers see the question.

I cannot use Nero 6 because I need packet writing and InCD will not install under Nero 6 license.

We have fully tested basic Windows 2000 and SP4, and find no problems. So there is more than just these to factors to your issue. What those other factors are is the question. I will still test the Dual boot when I get back just in case. For my own piece of mind if for no other reason.

But most users seem to be having no problem with the Multimounter, so there has to be something unique about your system as to compared to most others.

We'll keep at it. Eventually we'll stumble across the cause and hopefully the solution.


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Postby kaikow on Thu Aug 21, 2003 6:36 am

I have done further testing of the multimounter problem.

Evidence leans me to believe that multimounter does not work with the particular drives in Win 2000 SP4.

Drives are:

SCSI CD-ROM Plextor PX-32TSi, with latest firmware 1.03, connected to Adaptec 2940UW.

ATAPI CD-RW Plextor PX-W4824TA, with latest firmware1.05, problem also occurred with firmware 1.04, connected as Master to Primary IDE Controller.

To eliminate the possibility that previously installed Roxio software might have been the cause of the problem with multimounter, yesterday, I did a clean install of Win 2000 into the J drive. The J drive had no other files.

I then installed IE 6 and all crucial updates to IE and Win 2000, as well as DirectX 9.0b.

Only other software installed was:

1. Drivers for USB 2 card.
2. Scanner drivers and software.
3. Norton Auntie Virus 2003.
4. Eudora 5.2.1.
5. Lexmark printer drivers.

Before I install other software, e.g., Acrobat 5, VB 6 Enterprise, VS .NET 2003, ZipCentral, etc., I decided to install:


Unfortunately, multimounter still does not work.
My gut feeling, and I do have a big gut, is that multimounter does not work with the two particular drives. As I understand it, these drives are widely used.

The following is the output from Info Tool.
Nero InfoTool 2.00

Drive Information
Drive : PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W4824A
Type : CD-RW Recorder
Firmware Version : 1.05
Buffer Size : 4 MB
Date : 07-28-03
Serial Number : 806264
Drive Letter : Q:\
Location : 0:0
Mechanism : Tray
Read Speed : 40, 32, 24, 8, 4 X
Write Speed : 48, 40, 32, 24, 20, 16, 8, 4 X

Read CD Text : Yes
Return C2 Pointers : Yes
Read CD-R : Yes
Read CD-RW : Yes
Read DVD-ROM : No
Read DVD-RAM : No
Read DVD-R : No
Read DVD-RW : No
Read DVD+R : No
Read DVD+RW : No
Read Digital Audio : Yes
Read CD+G : Yes
Read VideoCD : Yes

Write CD-R : Yes
Write CD-RW : Yes
Write DVD-R : No
Write DVD-RW : No
Write DVD+R : No
Write DVD+RW : No
Write DVD-RAM : No
Buffer Underrun Protection : Yes
Mount Rainier : Yes
Modes : Packet, TAO, DAO, SAO, RAW SAO, RAW DAO, RAW SAO 16, RAW SAO 96, RAW DAO 16, RAW DAO 96

Disc Information (Q:\)
Type : - no disc inserted -

Drive Information
Type : CD-ROM Drive
Firmware Version : 1.03
Buffer Size : 0 KB
Date : 03-13-98
Serial Number : ?
Drive Letter : R:\
Location : 2:6
Modes : n/a

Disc Information (R:\)
Type : - no disc inserted -

Interface Information
Adapter 1
Description : Primary IDE Channel

Description : System32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys
Company : Microsoft Corporation
Version : 5.00.2195.6699
Description : IDE/ATAPI Port Driver

Attached Devices
Description : Master: PLEXTOR CD-R PX-W4824A
Type : CD-Rom Drive
DMA : Off
Autorun : On

Adapter 2
Description : Secondary IDE Channel

Description : System32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys
Company : Microsoft Corporation
Version : 5.00.2195.6699
Description : IDE/ATAPI Port Driver

Attached Devices
Description : Master: IOMEGA ZIP 100
Type : Disk Drive
DMA : Off

Adapter 3
Description : Adaptec AHA-2940U/AHA-2940UW PCI SCSI Controller

Description : System32\DRIVERS\aic78xx.sys
Company : Microsoft Corporation
Version : v2.20b
Description : Adaptec CHIM Family SCSI miniport

Attached Devices
Description : ID 0 (0): WDIGTL WDE9100 1.30
Type : Disk Drive
Description : ID 1 (0): QUANTUM ATLAS_V_18_WLS 0200
Type : Disk Drive
Description : ID 2 (0): QUANTUM ATLAS_V_36_WLS 0200
Type : Disk Drive
Description : ID 4 (0): Seagate STT8000N 3.54
Type : Disk Drive
Description : ID 6 (0): PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-32TS 1.03
Type : CD-Rom Drive
Autorun : On

Adapter 4
Description : Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host Controller

Description : System32\DRIVERS\uhcd.sys
Company : Microsoft Corporation
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Description : Universal Host Controller Driver

Attached Devices
Description : Maxtor 5000LE v01.00.00 USB Device
Type : Disk Drive

Software Information
Operating System : Windows 2000 Professional (5.00.2195 Service Pack 4)
ASPI : Win32 Nero Aspi Library Ahead Software AG

Description : Nero Burning ROM
Version : 6, 0, 0, 11
Company : Ahead Software AG
Version Check : Ok

Description : InCD
Version : 4, 0, 1, 21
Company : Ahead Software AG

Hardware Information
CPU : Intel Pentium II Processor 400 MHz
Bus Speed : 100 MHz
Motherboard : Intel SE440BX
System :
BIOS : 4S4EB0X1.05A.0009.P06 10/27/98
Memory : 384 MB
Sound : Sound Blaster AWE64
Video : Real 3D Starfighter

Driver Information
Driver : aic78xx
Description : Adaptec CHIM Family SCSI miniport
Version : v2.20b
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : atapi
Description : IDE/ATAPI Port Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6699
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : Cdrom
Description : SCSI CD-ROM Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : Disk
Description : PnP Disk Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : dmio
Description : NT Disk Manager I/O Driver
Version : 2195.6655.297.3
Company : VERITAS Software Corp.

Driver : dmload
Description : NT Disk Manager Startup Driver
Version : 2195.6655.297.3
Company : VERITAS Software Corp.

Driver : Ftdisk
Description : FT Disk Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6697
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : i8042prt
Description : i8042 Port Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : InCDPass
Description : Ahead CD-RW Filter Driver
Version : 4.00
Company : Ahead Software

Driver : incdrm
Description : remapper
Version :
Company : Ahead Software AG

Driver : IntelIde
Description : Intel PCI IDE Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6666
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : IPSEC
Description : IPSEC Driver (US/Canada Only, Not for Export)
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : isapnp
Description : PNP ISA Bus Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : Npfs
Description : NPFS Driver
Version : 5.00.2147.1
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : NwlnkIpx
Description : NWLINK2 IPX Protocol Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : NwlnkNb
Description : NWLINK2 IPX Netbios Protocol Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : NwlnkSpx
Description : NWLINK2 SPX Protocol Driver
Version : 5.00.2134.1
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : Parport
Description : Parallel Port Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : PartMgr
Description : Partition Manager
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : ParVdm
Description : VDM Parallel Driver
Version : 5.00.2135.1
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : PCI
Description : NT Plug and Play PCI Enumerator
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : Rdbss
Description : Redirected Drive Buffering SubSystem Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6713
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : SAVRT
Description : AutoProtect
Version :
Company : Symantec Corporation

Description : SAVRTPEL
Version :
Company : Symantec Corporation

Driver : Serial
Description : Serial Device Driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6655
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : SymEvent
Description : Symantec Event Library
Version :
Company : Symantec Corporation

Driver : SYMTDI
Description : Norton Internet Security Filter
Version :
Company : Symantec Corporation

Driver : Tcpip
Description : TCP/IP driver
Version : 5.00.2195.6706
Company : Microsoft Corporation

Driver : msvcrt.dll
Version : 6.10.9844.0

Driver : msvcirt.dll
Version : 6.10.8637.0

Driver : mfc42.dll
Version : 6.00.9586.0

Driver : msvcp60.dll
Version : 6.00.8972.0

Driver : OLE32.DLL
Version : 5.00.2195.6769

Driver : OLEPRO32.DLL
Version : 5.0.4522

Driver : oledlg.dll
Version : 1.0

Driver : ADVAPI32.DLL
Version : 5.00.2195.6710

Driver : comctl32.dll
Version : 5.81

Version : 5.00.2195.6622

Lower Filters
Driver : Nerocd2k
Description : Nero Filter Driver
Version :
Company : Ahead Software AG

im Stoeckmaedle 18

76307 Karlsbad, Germany

Fax: ++49-7248-911-888

e-mail: info@nero.com

Upper Filters
Driver : incdrm
Description : remapper
Version :
Company : Ahead Software AG

Video Codecs
Cinepak Codec by Radius :
Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2
Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2
Microsoft RLE : 5.00.2195.6612
Microsoft Video 1 : 5.00.2134.1
Microsoft H.263 Video Codec : 4.4.3385
Microsoft H.261 Video Codec : 4.4.3385
Intel 4|2|0 Video V2.50 : 4.4.3385
Indeo® video 5.10 : R.
Microsoft YUV : 5.3.0000000.900 built by: DIRECTX
Microsoft YUV : 5.3.0000000.900 built by: DIRECTX
Microsoft YUV : 5.3.0000000.900 built by: DIRECTX

Audio Codecs
Microsoft ADPCM CODEC :
Microsoft CCITT G.711 A-Law and u-Law CODEC :
Microsoft GSM 6.10 Audio CODEC :
DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Software CODEC :
Lernout & Hauspie CODECs :
Microsoft G.723.1 CODEC :
Indeo® audio software :
Microsoft PCM Converter :

ASPI Information
System ASPI : ASPI is not installed

Nero ASPI : ASPI is installed and working properly

WNASPI32.DLL : 160016 bytes June 17, 2003
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Posts: 123
Joined: Thu Jul 03, 2003 4:05 pm


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