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I/O Magic does not honor rebates

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I/O Magic does not honor rebates

Postby kingofheck on Sun Aug 10, 2003 11:39 pm

Just want to let you know that I/O Magic does not seem
to honor their rebates. They also do not answer their
e-mail or their phone lines.
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Postby Ian on Sun Aug 10, 2003 11:45 pm

Yeah, it took me about 5 emails to them to finally get a reply. Finally they said that they never got my rebate. Of course, in the 5 months since I submitted my rebate, I misplaced all of the info.

Anyway, I learned my lesson. I won't buy any more I/OMagic products. At least any with rebates.
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Postby burninfool on Mon Aug 11, 2003 3:08 am

I've been waiting 3 years for my I/O Magic CD-ROM rebate :evil: .Another company that I'll never buy products from is BUSlink,they don't honor their MIR either.
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Postby kingofheck on Wed Aug 20, 2003 11:31 am

Well, I tried faxing I/O Magic, but it just keeps ringing!
They have even disconnected their fax machine!
Do they have any kind of customer support over there?

This is the only contact info I have:
I/O Magic
Phone: 800-607-7466 (no one answers)
Fax: 714-953-0546 (fax does not pick up)
E-mail: Rebate@iomagic.com (no one replies)

Does anyone have any other contact info?
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I/O Magic rebates

Postby spamnot on Wed Aug 20, 2003 9:22 pm

I always get my rebates, even from I/O Magic.
Oh. Maybe you meant you did not get rebates the FIRST time you submitted them...
As a typical 'rebate customer from Hell' I can tell you from experience it normally takes some persistence to get I/O Magic rebates.
I figure I/O Magic probably spends at least as much paying for my use of their toll-free telephone number and customer service representative conversations as they do for the actual rebates...
The usual I/O Magic contact information is:
8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST
(they usually answer eventually during those hours if you hit the right touch-tone keys and wait a long time and call back when you 'accidentally' get cut off while on hold...)

Rebate Dept.
P.O. Box 25750
Santa Ana, Ca 92799
You did not mention where you bought the I/O Magic merchandise, and usually retailers provide a rebate customer service contact also.
The last I/O Magic rebate I received could be tracked through http://www.rebateservices.com and inquiries could be submitted via the Web page at http://www.rebateservices.com/contact.asp which resulted in a reply to me after a week or so.
It did not take long after I sent an electronic mail reply to their electronic mail response with digital images of my rebate information to rebate@iomagic.com to receive my last rebate check.
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Postby kingofheck on Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:38 pm

Thanks for the help and info spamnot.

I bought it at CompUSA, who told me that they could not
or would not help me since the rebate is directly through
I/O Magic.

Oddly enough, I received my rebate check yesterday!
I/O Magic never responded to my e-mails or tried to
explain anything. A check simply appeared without
any other info after more than 5 months.

What bothered me the most was not the money, but the
complete unresponsiveness to their customer.
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Aug 22, 2003 4:14 pm

maybe they're monitoring CDRLabs forums! :o :wink:
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Postby VEFF on Fri Aug 29, 2003 11:46 am

Guess I got lucky.

Rebate 1: They didn't receive my rebate submission.
I e-mailed/contacted them with the details, using the special link on their web site.
Got the check not long thereafer.

Rebate 2:
Sent it via Certified Mail (which I now avoid doing for rebate submission; long story relating to Parago), and received the check without any

I think mine were both Valuedisc reabtes, but they are the same as IOMagic right?
Sorry it's been a while...
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Postby David on Fri Aug 29, 2003 11:57 am

Veff Wrote:
I think mine were both Valuedisc reabtes, but they are the same as IOMagic right?

ValueDisc is the same as Khypermedia.
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Postby aviationwiz on Fri Aug 29, 2003 12:02 pm

VEFF wrote:Rebate 2:
Sent it via Certified Mail (which I now avoid doing for rebate submission; long story relating to Parago), and received the check without any

Tell the story, I don't see a point in not sending it certified mail, I don't, but it does make sence.
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Postby airtommy on Thu Sep 18, 2003 1:15 am

I had to follow up on an I/O rebate a few months ago. They mailed my check out quickly after my re-submission.

In addition to the 800 number posted earlier, there is a toll number:


I faxed my re-submission to:

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Postby VEFF on Fri Sep 19, 2003 10:32 am

aviationwiz wrote:
VEFF wrote:Rebate 2:
Sent it via Certified Mail (which I now avoid doing for rebate submission; long story relating to Parago), and received the check without any

Tell the story, I don't see a point in not sending it certified mail, I don't, but it does make sence.

Well, to make a long story short then :) , whenever I sent it Certified Mail to Parago, they never received the submissions (I checked this for three straight submissions in early 2003; before that they had always received submission sent via Certified Mail), probably because once signed it was left sitting on a pile somewhere.
I then started sending it via simple First Class mail (i.e. with a 37 cent),
and they were received once again.

Therefore I stopped sending it Certified, when Parago was involved.
I think some were eventually received, but it was much later.
It may also have had to do with the manufacturers that those three rebates dealt with, but...

In addition, Certified Mail, only proves that you sent SOMETHING; I mean you could theoretically have sent an empty envelope, so I am not sure it would stand up in court...

I have been using regular First Class mail for a while now, and with the exception of a WD rebate (which I later got), that Young America got swamped with (this was for the $10 (after rebates) WD 120 GB 7200 RPM hard drive earlier this year), all have been received just fine.
[Many people are still waiting for the WD rebate(s), which I received some time ago, so I now it wasn't me].
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