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Slim's Good Ink Deal

Postby CowboySlim on Tue Aug 05, 2003 12:26 am

Last summer I bought a nice Canon digital camera (but not quite as nice as BuddhaTB's) and then I got a nice Canon photo printer (i850). Well, looking around I only saw a couple of bucks savings for the generic, compatible cartridges and I decided to forego the refilling mess. So, I put in a bid @ Ebay for some genuine Canon inks and got them at a real good price. Next time bye, I just e-mailed Dusty and asked if I could buy direct without the Ebay Kabucki dance and received a positive response.

Last Tuesday I ordered two (to spread out the S&H) complete (Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow) from Dusty, inkcarts@terragon.com, and got a price of $49.80, total, right away. I got to PayPal and the inks were at my house Sat. AM.

Check it out at any big box store. Two complete sets of Canon BCI-3e ink cartridges will be $98, so I'm doing half price.

I think that Dusty also carries inks for Epson, HP and Lexmark, but not really sure. Just an e-mail to inquire.
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Postby Ian on Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:17 am

Thanks Slim!

I need some carts for my Canon. I was going to get some generic carts, but I'll try Dusty first.
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Postby VEFF on Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:28 pm

Thanks a lot Slim!!
I have the i950, I'll check out their ink deals for it.

I got the i950 after my S820 got a cord stuck in it (my fault I guess)
and had to be thrown out, even though it was only six weeks old!! - I had opened it up to try and get the tab back in place; long story...
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise, as the i950 has been amazing for photos.

Anyway, luckily the carts in the S820 were the same six carts as those used by i950 (I knew that when ordered the i950), were still 3/4 full and were worth more than the entire S820 printer cost ($41 after rebate, free shipping and no tax)!
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Postby CowboySlim on Wed Aug 06, 2003 11:44 pm

Well, VEFF,

I previously had the Canon S520 and was very happy its photos. Then my daughter got a digital camera for Christmas and basically I gave her my old stuff and built a new box for myself and upgraded to the i850. Being very happy with the S520, I viewed any upgrade as being more than enough. However, lately I've really been tantalized by the i950. But again, the i850 photos are so good, will I really see a noticeable improvement with the i950? If I didn't have any printer at all, is the extra $100 justifiable?

Oh, and by the way, just how do I get the cord stuck in her S520? I'm sure she'll just love this i850! :lol:
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Postby VEFF on Wed Aug 06, 2003 11:55 pm


Actually it was an S820 (not S520).
I don't know if upgrading to the i950 will be a major improvement worth the extra investment - I have never tried the i850.

I paid $186 ish + tax for mine five months ago (boy how time flies) when it was a brand new model after PriceMatch and coupon.

I had various PC hardware power, USB and hookup cords dangling above the printer, going from the devices to the PC.
As I was printing one of the cords 'fell down' and kind of got tangled in the
printer. When I pulled it out, the little white tab that holds and feeds the paper got out of place. I had to open the printer to try to align it properly again.
The rest, as they say, is history :)
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Postby BuddhaTB on Thu Aug 07, 2003 12:19 am

Dusty does not carry OEM HP cartridges, only some generic refilled cartridges.

Very good deal on Canon OEM cartridges though. :D
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Postby CowboySlim on Thu Aug 07, 2003 12:30 am

Thanks, BuddhaTB, good to know. Yeah, her deal on genuine Canon is much better than big box store generic inks. I guess that you have an HP, then. No matter about the brand much, for $100 they are all about the same, good. For $200, they are all about the same, better.

Veff, yes, I picked up that your prior model was different than my prior. Just kidding about how you buggered yours so I could bugger my daughter's the same way and justify the i950 for myself after giving her the i850.
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Postby Bree on Thu Aug 07, 2003 2:04 pm

What is the price for the ink. been getting canon oem for about 10 each and generic for 2.25. Havnt seen any difference.. on my s820

note if your looking at going to an 850 its only 4 color where the 950 is 6 color. Have seen its output and its very nice.. wish I could afford that vice the 820 :-?
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Postby VEFF on Thu Aug 07, 2003 9:23 pm

CowboySlim wrote:Thanks, BuddhaTB, good to know. Yeah, her deal on genuine Canon is much better than big box store generic inks. I guess that you have an HP, then. No matter about the brand much, for $100 they are all about the same, good. For $200, they are all about the same, better.

Veff, yes, I picked up that your prior model was different than my prior. Just kidding about how you buggered yours so I could bugger my daughter's the same way and justify the i950 for myself after giving her the i850.

Sorry Slim. I misread you post - I read it too fast and thought you asked how 'I' got my cord stuck, which is why I explained what happened.

Now it all makes more sense.
You could 'accidentally' spill hot coffee all over her 520. ;)
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Aug 08, 2003 12:39 am

or you could "accidentally" set it on fire! :lol:
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Postby VEFF on Fri Aug 08, 2003 11:44 am

dodecahedron wrote:or you could "accidentally" set it on fire! :lol:

Makes me thing of the old Talking Heads tune:
'Burning Down the House'.
That could end up being an expensive way to get a new printer!!! :o
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