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LG 8520B or Lite-On LTR-52327S

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LG 8520B or Lite-On LTR-52327S

Postby ilomatic on Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:51 pm

I have been a proud owner of an LG 8320B for a year now and am considering buying a new writer soon to put in my new computer. I've been looking at the reviews of two particular models and both are sold at the exact same price where I am. Since I will probably be using only one drive for reading and writing, I want to make sure I get the best for both those tasks.

Noise and media compatibility are not really a big factor, but I'd like the drive that generates the least errors/problems when burning CD-R and CD-RW and since I'll probably get myself a Canterwood, CPU usage from the drive shouldn't really be a concern. Also, one is a little faster in rewriting, but there isn't any media here at the moment that will take full advantage of those speeds anyways, plus I don't often use CD-RW.

So, what should I choose : the good old quiet LG 8520B or the all new shiny performant Lite-On LTR-52327S ?

P.S. : no need to suggest other brands, i'll only take one of those two

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Postby eliminator on Tue Aug 05, 2003 11:20 pm

Go Lite-On, LG is not what it used to be.
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Postby Ken on Wed Aug 06, 2003 10:11 am

I have an LG 8523B and this thing rocks, not to mention the quietness of the drive. :wink:
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Aug 06, 2003 10:50 am

Well, considering you just said that noise is not a problem, get the LTR-52327S. It's loud, but, they performance of the drive from what I read in Ian's review is amazing. According to the review, it's almost as good as the Plex :wink:
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Re: LG 8520B or Lite-On LTR-52327S

Postby TheWizard on Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:06 pm

ilomatic wrote:I'd like the drive that generates the least errors/problems when burning CD-R and CD-RW

Another proud LG GCE-8320B owner, alright! We should start a club! :wink:

Honestly, both the GCE-8520B and LTR-52327S can generate the least errors/problems when burning the right CD-R/CD-RW media. Heck, any drive can generate the least errors/problems with certain media. That's why the Media Compatibility Thread exists. :)

So, ultimately, the choice is yours. Personally, I would stick with the company that has treated me well over the years: LG. I'm very loyal to some brands.
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