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Liteon LTC - 48161H Review ?

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Liteon LTC - 48161H Review ?

Postby hammad on Mon Aug 04, 2003 10:53 pm

Hi everyone

please can anyone tell me that

is there any Liteon combo drive review in progress at cdrlabs ?

does the liteon combo supports reading dvd-ram ?

is its dvd reading performance better then liteon 166s ?

is it better than the samsung sm348b ?

thank you
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Re: Liteon LTC - 48161H Review ?

Postby Ian on Mon Aug 04, 2003 11:26 pm

is there any Liteon combo drive review in progress at cdrlabs ?

Yes. Don't know when it will be ready though. We have a lot of other reviews in the works right now.
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Re: Liteon LTC - 48161H Review ?

Postby Nogib on Tue Aug 05, 2003 3:06 pm

hammad wrote:is it better than the samsung sm348b ?

Dear god yes is it better. I had HORRIBLE experiences with the SM-348B about six months ago and couldn't get any quality burns from it at all even after exchanging it once and going through three or four firmware revisions. I only recently (last week) got a LTC-48161H drive and have absolutely fallen in love with the drive. My only gripe so far is that the tray seems very flimsy. I'm not sure if this is something inherent to Lite-On drives or not (this is my first Lite-On drive...I've only used Plextor until now). But regardless of that, I'm really liking it a lot so far. Two thumbs up IMHO.
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Postby hammad on Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:16 pm

thanks for all the info.

but does it read the dvd ram,its very important to me because i have to read my dvd ram recorded on hitachi camcorder,

is its dvd performance better than 166s, cause i use to watch a lot of dvds.

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Postby dhc014 on Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:21 pm

hammad wrote:thanks for all the info.

but does it read the dvd ram,its very important to me because i have to read my dvd ram recorded on hitachi camcorder,

is its dvd performance better than 166s, cause i use to watch a lot of dvds.


It doesn't really get much better than a 166S... What more can you ask from a DVD player other than it reads discs fast enough to not skip and maybe rips fast?
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