I've been putting the drive through it's paces - basically repeating all the tests in the review - and I gotta say I'm impressed.
In the read tests, I got better results than the review drive -
31.43x Average, 18.53x Start & 41.47x End @ 40x (Speed Boost Off)
39.87x Average, 23.45x Start & 52.68x End @ 52x (Speed Boost On)
- impressive!

Although the access times were 'slightly' slower.

However, when I ran the write test, with Nero CD Speed 2.02, everything went fine - up until around 10secs remaining. When the speed suddenly took a nosedive from about 52.5x down to around 16x! - the rpm also dropped from 11,000 to 3,500. But then the speed picks up again to around 33x - and the rpm to 7,000. Giving me a final time of 2m 35s - as opposed to the 2m 25s in the review! (for an 80min CD-R).

The final results are - 39.41x Avg, 23.41x Start & 33.26x End - in a time of 2m35s.
I've tried this test a few times with the same results.
Also, I do have DMA enabled and the firmware is v1.06. I also disabled any AV, Firewall, utility SW while testing, and don't have any other optical drives in my rig - just one HDD on IDE 0, 0 - and the CRW5224 on IDE 1, 0.
Does anyone have any clues as to why this is happening???
I'm sure if the speed didn't drop off at the end I would get burning times of 2m 25s or less.