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Circuit City CDRs? Any good?

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Circuit City CDRs? Any good?

Postby scottm on Sun Aug 03, 2003 12:28 pm

I was wondering if people have any experience with these CDRs? I picked up some cheap from a friend's leftovers (16x version) not expecting much. However, I noticed they really did a nice job burning---and I was able to overburn them about the best I've tried (about 82:30 for 80min CDR). Going to their site shows raves on them--going to the store shows a 32x version in 100- and 50-packs (and a nice current rebate deal for both). They are packaged in both the black base "sharp" top and the grey base "rounded" top. Plextor tools shows RITEK for the 16x ones. They are ugly as sin---but do have a nice protective covering due to that. Does anyone have any info on these disc--is the packaging difference important? I have a Samsung 348b CDRW/DVD combo and Plextor Premium burner. I picked up some Vert Datalifes to try since Plex's are tuned for them (and again, some were made in Mexico and some Tawain). Go figure.

P.S. Stay away from the Jensen discs in ad---125 discs for $10. You get what you pay for.

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Postby TheWizard on Sun Aug 03, 2003 1:01 pm

Look here for a detailed description of the blank media packaging. In short, generally speaking, black/dark gray bottom and sharp top = CMC discs whereas light gray bottom and rounded top = Ritek discs. Since you had success with Circuit City's 16X Ritek discs, why not try their 32X Ritek discs?
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Postby CowboySlim on Sun Aug 03, 2003 6:03 pm

Why bother with them when Best Buy & CompUSA have good deals on the Fujis. I bought those Jensens last year and they seemed OK, but I always get the Fujis nowadays.
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Plextor GigaRec update...

Postby scottm on Sun Aug 03, 2003 7:53 pm

Trying out my "sample" pack of Verbatim DL Plus (5), I was able to use 1.2x GigaRec on my Premium and make a fully playable 98:02 disc (95min base + overburn time increase). My Pioneer DV-47A DVD player is picky with these GR discs--I couldn't play them right in that machine with the TYs I tried (scratchy/fail towards end). My car stereo can't recognize anything over 1.2x. The lower 8x burn speed counters the smaller burn pits--and I'll wait 15min for a music CD this size anyday without requiring hard-to-find 99min media. Regardless of the thought on this process, it's a pretty amazing technological advance--invaluable for DJs.

I'm always on the lookout for Fuji TY discs (ususally OfficeMax), but wanted to try the Verbatim-Plextor combination. Looking good so far!
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