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Who still rebadges Lite-On drives?

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Who still rebadges Lite-On drives?

Postby EatMoreChicken on Sun Aug 03, 2003 1:22 am

I in the market for another LiteOn and want to get rebadge drive to save some money. Which companies still rebadge them? I know Cendyne used to rebadge them, but heard their new 52x aren't LiteOn's.

thanks in advance!
Buffer Underrun
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Aug 03, 2003 1:24 am

Which Lite-ON do you want? It's really cheapest just to buy a real Lite-ON online, but if you want to be sure to get a Lite-ON, then get a Sony or a Memorex or a TDK. No other brands are gauranteed to be Lite-ON's.
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Postby Intimidator on Sun Aug 03, 2003 12:36 pm

Just bought a Cendyne 52/24/52 burner last week. Cendyne still makes the 52x Lite-On drives. Just make sure you flip the box over and the MODEL # LTR52246S then you will have a rebadged 52x LTR drive.

Verbatim also uses the LTR 52x as ONE of the 52x drives.

Sony, Memorex or TDK are also options as mentioned above however companies are making it very hard to tell if you have a LTR drive now.

However the Cendyne is a sure bet if you look at the MODEL #. It even says Lite-On on top of CDRW label.

Good Luck!
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Postby EatMoreChicken on Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:49 pm

thanks guys, I'll keep an eye out for sales of these burners the next few weeks and hopefully I can snag one FAR or under $20.
Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2002 3:50 pm

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