by MrBurns on Tue Jul 29, 2003 10:57 pm
What should fix it?
I tried the link in your sig, but I did only find the ltrflash-program there. I tried the versions 1.11 and 1.11b, but in both the same happened:
When I started the program, I got this error message:
Access violation in address 00403408 in modul 'LTNFLASH.EXE'. Read of address FFFFFFFDC.
I couldnt select any drives in the program, althought I still have a working Acer CD-burner. I know, that the program can only flash Liteon drives, but I think, that it maybe would also recognize other drives and say, that they arent Liteon drives, when you try to flash them.
So I didnt select any drive, and pressed go. It sayed something like "clearing Unit Attention", but before the status bar showed anything, this error appeared on a Bluescreen:
"A fatal exception OE has occurred at 0028:C02A27A8 in VXD VWIN32(5) + 000012D0. The current application will be terminated"
Note, that even all addressses were always the same, even after a reboot.