by kaikow on Fri Aug 01, 2003 7:56 pm
I've just noticed that InCD does indeed fragment files very badly.
Hopefully, this problem is fixed in the latest version of InCD.
For example, I am backing up the Dantz Retrospect catalog files to CD-RW media.
There are 4 files. Two are about 85MB each, call them files A and B, and two are about 6MB each, so there's plenty of room on the media.
Running ISOBuster, I am informed that the two 85MB files are fragmented.
What does InCD do when I Copy file A to the CD-RW when file A already exists?
It would seem that it would need to put the new copy in different sectors than the original, so the new copy should not be fragmented since there's plenty of room on the media. Of course, the original A on te CD-RW would be deleted AFTER the copy operation was completed.
As a experiment, I deleted both files A and B on the CD-RW and then did a copy of A, then a copy of B, expecting that both would be recorded without fragmentation.
According to ISOBuster A was recorded without fragmentation, but B was fragmented.
Being a stubborn cuss, I deleted B and tried again. This time ISOBuster reported that B had been recorded without fragmentation.
So, at least in InCD, I must wonder about why such fragmentation occurs.