drive I have noticed that only Nero Express was bundled with my drive

Besides the software there was a short manual, a 16 - 24 Verbatim CD-RW
and one Multispeed CD sponsored by Lite-ON. On the drive itself
there was no hint about the firmware.
I installed the drive as Secondary Master, but unfortunately I cut my
80-pin IDE cable on a sharp edge of my case

to use a 40-pin IDE cable.
Is it necessary to use a 80-pin IDE cable or does the bandwith of a 40-pin
cable limit the drives transfer rate?
Well, after having installed the drive I enabled UDMA 2 in my bios.
Windows 98

was manufactured in May 2003. I upgraded immediately to QS06.
To check the digital audio I threw Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark
(Enhanced CD) in my new drive. The audio worked but unfortunately
the drive spinned up and rapidly spinned down, then I could hear the first
track. But the drive made very strange pulsing vibrations while reading
the first track. Then I changed another cd and there were no vibrations.
I hope that these vibrations were caused by the spinning up and down
to read the two sessions that are on the cd.
Instead of installing Nero Express I installed Nero 6 demo and burnt
some 600 MB on the Lite-ON sponsored multi-speed CD. But after
checking the CD with CD Speed 2.02 I noticed that some sectors were
unreadable (red) and the disc had about 72000 c2 errors at the end.
Is this typical for a new drive?

Then to be sure if the drive worked, I burnt more CDs, some on-the-fly
and some with a Nero-image and I noticed that there were less damaged
sectors on the cds that were burnt with a Nero-Image.
Does quality suffer from burning on the fly?
Nevertheless I personnaly think that creating images is still the better option.
To come to an end, I can really say that I am fascinated by the drives'
speed, as my previous drive has been a Traxdata 4x4x24

I would be very happy if someone would be so kind to answer some
of my questions, because I'm not very familiar with these fast drives!