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Win2k CDPlayer

Postby ncw on Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:37 pm

Can anyone help with CDPlayer.exe in Windows 2000 Professional?

I installed RealPlayer1, which locked up the machine when I tried to play Audio CDs. I have uninstalled RP, but cannot get the Windows CDPlayer to autostart. I get Desktop messages about access to files being denied.

(I've also been following advice from CDRlab forums on getting Nero InCD to work properly - mainly getting rid of UdfReadr.sys and it's registry entries.)

I have checked file type associations and 'play' options - they all look correct.

If I open CDPlayer manually it will run, but no action that calls it (like inserting a CD or double-clicking on a .CDA file) will start it.
Is it likely that something is messed up at Registry level?

Any help appreciated.
Buffer Underrun
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Postby CDRecorder on Tue Jul 29, 2003 3:40 pm

Try downloading TweakUI 1.33 from Microsoft's web site, and follow the instructions on the web site to install it. Once it's installed, run it (double-click the TweakUI item in your control panel) and go to the Paranoia tab. Check the "Play audio CD's automatically" checkbox and click OK.

This has worked for me on Win98 when I had exactly the same problem as you (except that I was using different software), and the MS web site says that TweakUI 1.33 works on Win2K, too.
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Re: Win2k CDPlayer

Postby Justin42 on Tue Jul 29, 2003 3:51 pm

ncw wrote:Can anyone help with CDPlayer.exe in Windows 2000 Professional?

I installed RealPlayer1, which locked up the machine when I tried to play Audio CDs. I have uninstalled RP, but cannot get the Windows CDPlayer to autostart. I get Desktop messages about access to files being denied.

I am in the middle of a major training thing at work, so I don't have time to look it up, but this is a known issue that needs some tweaking to fix. I don't know if TweakUI has been updated, but it may not be enough-- you have to edit some config file, and then re-install the CD player to fix the association (I think that's the gist of it; honestly it's never seemed worth the hassle for me)...

search for MS kb article Q259473.
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Postby ncw on Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:51 pm

Have tried TweakUI - unfortunately with no effect.

Article Q259473 is certainly covering the problem I have.
I seem to have 2 copies of Sysoc.inf, one in c:\winnt\inf and a second in c:\winnt\ServicePackFiles\i386. Which would need changing?

(No trace of any folder specifically called %SystemRoot% - but I assume that is a generic label for the particular operating system)

The Microsoft article implies that I need to uninstall and re-install a multimedia system component - this gives me a problem as I don't own the Win2k Prof. discs myself. Is there any way round this?

RealPlayer are trying to offer some advice, but I doubt that they are getting to the root of the problem. I would really like to be able to restore the pre-RealPlayer situation before I consider anything else - and know I can get back there again if all else fails!

Help much appreciated. Thanks.
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:31 pm

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