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Mayday! LiteOn 52246S has gone "stinky".

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Mayday! LiteOn 52246S has gone "stinky".

Postby Harrier on Mon Jul 28, 2003 4:18 pm

Hello Ladies and Gentleman,

The issue is as described:

I have owned this wonderful LiteOn CDrw for about three months now and had flawless writings: With Ritek and TY the C1 error rate was as shallow as it could get. Sometimes nearing 0.05.

The actuall conundrum began about four days ago:
I've bought 5 pieces of the local Ritek brand (the usual "breed": SilverLine). Up 'till now i have never experienced any problems with it.

As i scanned the the burnned cd with K-probe i have witnessed an increase on the C1 error rate (which wasn't paid that much attention to it) and suddenly, the worst thing that could happen: A C2 ERROR (!) combined with an outrageous amount of C1 errors..

The first thought that popped into my head was that this batch of Cdrs was defective. The next two Cdrs from the same batch had produced similar results.

At the time i was also planning of posting a small review of the new "Samsung Premium" cdrs.. They too contained mass quantities of C1 errors (though could be expectable) and C2 errors..

Following these events i bought a new spindle of Ritek cdrs (same SilverLine), Burned one and got constant results... C2 errors..

On some Cdrs the C1 and C2 errors appear on almost the same time-mark: the 69th minute.. That triggered the last button for me.

I will soon upload some snaps to demonstrate some of the issues.
Last edited by Harrier on Tue Jul 29, 2003 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Jul 28, 2003 4:21 pm

don't you have any more media from the previous batches that you know burned well?
did you try some of those TY TDKs we talked about?
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Jul 28, 2003 4:23 pm

by the way, those Samsung Premiums, what are they?
the 48x in orange packaging?
what's the ATIP? whose the manufacturer of this media?
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Postby MediumRare on Mon Jul 28, 2003 4:27 pm

Are you burning these at 52x? I recall rdgrimes having problems with his drive at 52x (slowed down near the end and produced C2s). Also try some Verbatim or TY. Could be you ran across some bad batches.

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Postby Harrier on Mon Jul 28, 2003 4:39 pm

Samsungs are 24X and come in dark red and black packaging. Produced by Prodisc type 9. I'll upload everything soon.

I'll try TY but three batchs.. I don't, i can't be that unlucky.

The last Ritek was burned at 40X (certified). The first two were 12X and 16X and both were 24X certified.
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Postby rdgrimes on Wed Jul 30, 2003 2:45 pm

The first two were 12X and 16X and both were 24X certified.

The 52x drives have a history of not getting along with older media like this.
And yes, some 52246S drives will have a glitch where if the drive slows (due to media) near the end of a 48x-52x burn, you get an unreadable sector at the point where SmartBurn kicked in.
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Postby Harrier on Thu Aug 07, 2003 5:16 am

Updated with snapshots:











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