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Get them while they are hot!

Burn baby burn!

Get them while they are hot!

Postby Intimidator on Sun Jul 27, 2003 12:20 pm

I just picked up from Office Max a Cendyne lightning V 52/24/52 burner that is $9.99 after rebates. This is like the one Ian reviewed.

The Cendyne 52/24/52 can be one of the following drives:

1) BenQ
2) Asus
3) Lite-On

Make sure you have OM look on the back of the box under model # and get one that says LTR52246S. Since they do not keep those items on the floor.

Make a note for the OM rebate on page 5 #25 of the rebate book there is a TYPO it states "52x External ....$30." That should read 52x Internal----$30." I had the manager check the MASTER rebate sheet and I was correct. If you have a problem b/c of this typo just take it to the manager at OM.

Now I have that LTR52246S drive for only $9.99!!!

Good Luck!
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