tazdevl wrote:If you actually read what I've written, I've been bitching about the execution, not the application. Two separate issues.
Gee, I guess you've got a little spy camera focused on my computer so you know what I've been reading and what I haven't. Or do you just read minds? I read and know what you've been writing. You've been needlessly fussing about not getting an email giving you your serial number and telling you that the product launch you know is coming is in fact coming. What would having had that email have gained you? Absolutely nothing. The demo is fully functional for 30 days. But not having the email gave you an opportunity to moan and complain in bunches of posts in this forum.
You've also been fussing that you wanted special early download privileges for "upgrade" customers who ordered a retail version of 5.5 after May 1. You're the marketing expert, you tell me: why should these people get special privileges for early update downloads? Just because Ahead was good enough to give them free upgrades? Isn't that enough of a privilege for them? Or are the few customers who bought 5.5 retail after May 1 somehow superior to the hundreds of thousands (maybe millions??) of customers who bought 5.5 before May 1 and aren't entitled to a free upgrade, but are entitled to a paid upgrade? Aren't they loyal customers too? Why should they be penalized? Are the free upgrade customers more equal than the paying upgrade customers?
I guess you eventually came around to this conclusion also, because at some point you stopped including the May 1 bit, and just started complaining about existing customers (presumably from any date) versus demo downloaders. You might have some point here, but then,
lets be reasonable, tazdevl. Wouldn't that require an entirely separate download mechanism that could screen out demo downloaders who aren't existing customers and don't have existing license keys? Kind of makes it tough to get the Nero 6 release out on time when Ahead engineers are busy writing new download mechanisms, no? And couldn't you just as easily download from a link given on a web page as from a link in an email?? What's it take, like 2 minutes on a broad-band connection? And you only have to do it once.
tazdevl wrote:I've worked in project management, marketing and product management for a long time and one thing I can't stand is poorly executed launches.
And I've been working in software development and engineering for a long time, and one thing I can't stand is poorly written, buggy software.
tazdevl wrote:The installer is something that I wouldn't classify as an element that has detracted from the launch since it follows the paradigm of every other software update.
Great. That's you're opinion, not mine. And never mind the fact that it does not, in fact, follow the paradigm of
every other software update. Even if it did, am I not allowed to have my own opinion on the matter?
tazdevl wrote:Every product has bugs and unless you're totally new to computers, it shouldn't be a surprise. Expecting that a recode of a software application will be problem free is a tad bit unrealistic.
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for that deep and profound insight. I was so ignorant before you enlightened me.

I might point out that the expectation that applications will include bugs and the implied consequence that customers will serve as beta testers is one reason we have so many buggy releases. But from your extensive project management background perhaps you don't feel that this is a problem?
tazdevl wrote:Only thing you can do is bring the issues to the attention of the devs and hope they fix it.
But dodecahedron and I aren't entitled to bring the issue of simultaneously running both versions to the attention of the developers and hope that they fix that next time around?
tazdevl wrote:However, I can't remember any apps I've come across that allow you to run a previous version and upgraded version at the same time. Your line of thinking isn't original and probably hasn't been implmented for a very valid reason.
Then look harder. Take CD Doctor, available right here, as an example. And check the many unix and linux programs that allow this. It often isn't done for Windows, but in many cases this is due to choice, and not technical limitations. So it isn't unreasonable to ask for it. But apparently you, as a marketing person, feel qualified to answer whether or not different versions of Nero can be run in parallel. Maybe in addition to offering your marketing consulting services to Craig Campbell, you could also offer your software development consulting services.
tazdevl wrote:Use regcleaner to clean up any leftover reg keys if you're worried about leftover dlls and reg entries.
Okay, so testing the new Nero with confidence should require a third-party product? How is that for good marketing?
tazdevl wrote:Though just for shits n giggles I've hopped back and forth between Nero 6 and 5.5, no problems here.
So apparently you were able to download Nero 6, even though you didn't have your email. I guess the email issue wasn't such a big deal after all. And just for sh*ts and giggles myself, I download Nero 6 from the site without the benefit of an email or a private download area. No problems here. Of course, I can say that with confidence. You can't say the same about your experience. All you can really say is that there aren't any problems you are aware of.

tazdevl wrote:Let me ask you this. Are bugfixes and optimizations more important at the moment or developing and having QA test an installer package that lets you do both a separate install and upgrade as well as running QA on having 2 versions of Nero up on the same machine?
Interesting. Well, my answer is that, to me, bug fixes are more important. That shouldn't be a surprise to you, since you aren't totally new to computers. But then, when did I express that a new installer was more important? I seem to recall dodecahedron saying it was too bad we couldn't run both versions in parallel and me agreeing. I don't recall saying "stop working on bug fixes and work on a version of 6 that can run in parallel with 5.5."
tazdevl wrote:Where do you want your break?
I'd like my break in being able to express my opinions without being subject to condescending lectures from you. Is that too much to ask?

It's the same courtesy I extended to you. Did I ever tell you to be reasonable this past week when seemingly every other post you made contained the same specious complaint about not yet having your upgrade email?
By the way, half the time your repeated email complaints were as much off topic in given threads as kaikow's repeated posts about which files to download. Not only that, but his posts contain the same missing email complaint that you felt was perfectly fine to include in your posts. But yet you now feel it is appropriate to lecture him about off topic posting. I guess kaikow isn't entitled to his opinions either. "Dude", don't be a hypocrite.