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Nero 6 Suggestions - Please make sticky

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Nero 6 Suggestions - Please make sticky

Postby tazdevl on Sun Jul 27, 2003 4:59 am

This thread is intended for the gang @ Ahead to read. Please don't bitch about anything or rant, just offer suggestions and observations that will help them in their efforts to improve and optimize Nero 6 following its release.

Do not use this thread to troubleshoot your problems

Please be sure to include any relevant hardware (CPU, RAM, OS, drives used, whether or not you did a fresh install or a upgrade install etc...)

What I've come across so far:

1) When you open up a new CD/DVD dialog to write a new disc... the title from a previous burn is in there (assuming you do 2 back to back). Should default to blank or prompt for a title.

2) Given my rig, opening/closing/new dialogs in Nero seem to take a lot longer than they should. I realize a fair bit of cleanup and optimization will happen in the coming weeks. But I think it warrants a further look.

3) I'd like to be able to map certain activities to SmartStart. For example, when I want to back up a DVD after using DVDShrink, I need to use the DVD Video dialog in Nero, but when I click on the button in SS, it takes me to NeroVision which I don't need.

4) When I open up a new compilation in Nero, it opens up a whole new instance of Nero instead of a new window. Seems a bit odd, I preferred the other method in 5.5 and I can tell you its a lot less memory intensive. Not sure if this is due to the fact that I'm using demo at the moment.
Last edited by tazdevl on Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:25 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:05 am

Punch Cards -> Paper Tape -> Tape Drive -> 8" Floppy Diskette -> 5 1/4" Floppy Diskette -> 3 1/2" "Flippy" Diskette -> CD-R -> DVD±R -> BD-R

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Postby tazdevl on Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:10 am

Let's try to keep all the info on one thread and not include links. Makes it easier on the guys @ Ahead.

Here's a cut and paste from Dolph's thread.

I had a problem with Nero 6 everytime I tried to burn several directories of my MP3s, roughly 32 of them would not appear in windows explorer when I went back to look at the CD-R I burned. The CD burned successfully, but the verification would always fail, and tell me that all the files were different, and 32 were missing.... I was very confused!

eventually I found out that Nero changes the index of the CD so that duplicate file names disappear. This wouldn't be so bad, but Nero doesn't discriminate between different sized files with the same name, or files with the same name in different directories! So I lost all the duplicate file name MP3s in my remix's directory becasue they all shared the same file name as other files on the same CD-R, even though they were in different folders!!! GRR! luckily, I only wasted a CD-R and didn't delete my original MP3 files on my HDD.

This "feature" if left as it is, is more likely to cause harm then good! There needs to be a warning when it activates, and the possibility of over-riding it if you want the files to be there anyways!
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Postby govern1 on Sun Jul 27, 2003 10:03 am

The one issue I would really like to see addressed is when making a multi-session data disk, Nero doesn't ask you if you would like to continue with a multi-session disk, or create a new one. It automatically starts a new one. You have to dig through Nero's settings and specify to continue with an existing open disk. Nero 5.5 would give you the option when you selected "make a data disk", Nero 6 does not.
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