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fuji (TY) vs. verbatim, real world results?

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fuji (TY) vs. verbatim, real world results?

Postby istomtom on Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:00 pm

I have been using Fuji (TY's) for some time now, and before that Sony (TY's also). I need to burn 700 discs in the next couple weeks and nobody has the Fuji's on sale. I can get Verbatims very cheap right now. DataLifePlus Super Azo.

I am looking for some real world results using Verbatims, especially from people who have also used Fuji's. I haven't burned a coaster in a couple years, and I'm not looking to start. Longevity is also important as some of these discs will be used for archiving. I'm using an Asus 52x burner, if you use one of these too, please mention it.

I also saw it mentioned somewhere that Memorex are TY's now? Anybody know? I had a bad experience with massive data loss on Memorex discs several years back, just wondering.

Thanks everyone!

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Postby rdgrimes on Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:31 pm

I would look for sales on TDK-48x (RiTEK). The Verbatim can work great on some drives, but quality control is not up to TY standards, so bad batches are not uncommon. Forget memorex, unless you can find some older 32x with the TY screw-on cap. They are older media, 24x-32x rated, but reliable.
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Postby eliminator on Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:54 pm

Most "Made in Japan" media might easily be TY (Memorex/Fuji...)
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jul 22, 2003 11:45 pm

Verbatim disks are by all means, the best disks around. Get them, they are really good.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Jul 23, 2003 1:49 am

Aviationwiz: no, Verbatim discs are not the best discs around. It would be possible to argue that on some burners the Mitsubishi made Verbatim discs score really high, and may be the best discs. But a blanket generalization like that will lead people to believe that the CMC made Verbatim discs are on the same level as the Mitsubishi and T.Y. made Verbatim discs, and they are not. Additionally, the Metal Azo dye discs made by Mitsubishi are not nearly as compatible as the other dyes available (including Super AZO), so on some burners even Mitsubishi made Verbatim discs can have poor results.
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Postby Bhairav on Wed Jul 23, 2003 4:46 am

I can corroborate what dolphinius_rex said. Lite-Ons seem to dislike even old Verbatim Super-Azo (DataLife Plus) discs. Check the ATIPs. Apparently the newer ones: 97 34 23 work better with Lite-Ons.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Jul 23, 2003 7:14 am

hehehe, umm. I just burned a 48x SuperAzo CD-R with the following parameters:

Drive Type = CD-RW
Disc Type = CDR (A+)
Lead In = 97:34:23
Lead Out = 79:59:73
Nominal = 702.83MB (79m 59s 73f/LBA:359848)
Manufacturer = Mitsubishi Chemicals Corporation
Cur. Speed = Wrt(48X),Rd(12X)
Code: Select all
I tested the disc with my LiteON 48125W as well, using K-Probe 1.1.19
When I tested it at 40x:
C1 Max: 11970 , C1 Total: 1468232 , C1 Average: 366.783
C2 Max: 8497   , C2 Total: 576185   , C2 Average: 143.938

When I tested it at 8x:
C1 Max: 4313   , C1 Total: 765282   , C1 Average: 204.621
C2 Max: 1110   , C2 Total: 56651     , C2 Average: 15.147

And from the 65min mark and onward there was nothing but read errors....or whatever you want to call them

I should also mention that these discs, although claiming to be made by Mitsubishi, say "Made in Taiwan" on them as well...
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Postby rdgrimes on Wed Jul 23, 2003 8:55 am

My 52327S seems to really like the Azo, burns it at 52x with very low errors. But another batch may not work at all, that's the "CMC-effect".
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Postby istomtom on Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:05 pm

:o Well, thanks for the replies guys, looks like I'll be sticking with Fuji's.
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Postby istomtom on Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:06 am

FYI, I found that fry's electronics stores have Fuji 100 packs for the everyday low price of $24.99
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Postby aviationwiz on Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:26 am

I've never seen a CMC made Verbatim disk. I have DLP disks Made in both Taiwan and Mexico and both are made by Mitsubishi.
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Postby cfitz on Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:29 am

The Verbatim Value Life discs are CMC, and there is a good bit of evidence to suggest that at least some of the Data Life discs (e.g. the ones made in Mexico) are made by CMC in CMC factories to Mitsubishi Chemical's specifications.

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Postby MediumRare on Fri Jul 25, 2003 2:49 am

cfitz wrote:The Verbatim Value Life discs are CMC, and there is a good bit of evidence to suggest that at least some of the Data Life discs (e.g. the ones made in Mexico) are made by CMC in CMC factories to Mitsubishi Chemical's specifications.

cfitz- I'm sure you mean DataLifePlus discs here. In Europe, DataLife (without the Plus) are usually CMC and are equivalent to North American ValueLife (we've been through this a number of time).

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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Jul 25, 2003 2:56 am

MediumRare wrote:(we've been through this a number of time).

:D :wink:
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Jul 25, 2003 4:55 am

aviationwiz wrote:I've never seen a CMC made Verbatim disk. I have DLP disks Made in both Taiwan and Mexico and both are made by Mitsubishi.

CMC makes some of Mitsubishi's discs, I believe that they use the same ATIP code and dye as well when Mitsubishi is having problems keeping up with demand. They deffinatly use a different amount of quality control, but they are still nowhere even close to the normal level of quality you can expect from Mitsubishi.

I have seen CMC made Valuelife discs, as well as CMC made Datalife discs, and I have heard from a few people who swear that their Datalife Plus discs have a CMC ATIP.... scary!
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