dolphinius_rex wrote:The real problem I see is that if the drive doesn't support very high C2 accuracy, then the test results people bring forth are completely meaningless.
It's even worse- there are drives (like the newest Mitsumi) that don't flag C2's at all. CD Speed is SOL on that one. Apart from these problems, though, I think that CD-Speed surface scan or quality check offer a good criterion. It certainly opened my eyes when I scanned some of the disks from my old burner
after getting the LiteOn.
No real surprises on the following. I was hoping for TY (like
InstantInfo said), but I guess these are mostly Ritek in Europe now.
- Code: Select all
LiteOn LTR 48246S
Firmware SS0B...........Maxell/RTK 80min 48X....................48X
KProbe: C1 max/ave: 20/0.73, CD-Speed: all green (after I wiped some finger prints off). Since I'm doing the tests myself and not just pointing you at Ian's results, I used surface scan.
At first I got some errors (on quality check too) but a close look showed some finger prints (I was trying to read the engraved nos. on the disc
ATIP from MInfo:
- Code: Select all
Disc Type = CDR (A-)
Lead In = 97:15:17
Lead Out = 79:59:70
Nominal = 702.82MB (79m 59s 70f/LBA:359845)
Manufacturer = RiTEK Corporation
Cur. Speed = Wrt(48X),Rd(48X)
Smartburn calls this "RiTEK JS-dye", same as the TDK 40x (which are
better). Is this just the last digit in the Lead-In being decoded?