by NeilPeart on Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:43 pm
Where did you find certified 52X Fuji? I thought they were sill stuck at 48X, as that is all I have seen anywhere around here or on the Internet. It does suck that even the 52X Fujis won't burn at max speed on the Premium, but perhaps a firmware update will provide higher speeds with my favorite Fujis. I still got my 50-pack 48X Fujis for under $10 so I'm happy!

Drives I Own:
Asus S520/A, Plextor UltraPlex 40TSi, Lite-on XJ-HD166S, Pioneer DVD-106S, Toshiba SD-M1712, Plextor PX-R820Ti, Plextor PX-W1210TS, Plextor Premium, Samsung SM-352B, Teac CD-W540E, Yamaha CRW-F1, Plextor PX-708A, Sony DRU-510A