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Rebate hell

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Rebate hell

Postby UALOneKPlus on Fri Jul 11, 2003 8:14 pm

I just got a notice in the mail that states that my 2003 Norton anti-Virus / Tax $30 rebate got rejected, due to more than one product needing to be purchased.

Of course the ppl at Symantec made the mistake. I checked my scanned copies of my rebate submission, and sure enough, I had taken extreme care to mail in everything that was needed for the rebate.

Fortunately, I was able to call Symantec and talk to a live person to resolve this. I had to print out all the copies of my submissions and then fax it over.

But stuff like this just makes me livid. We as consumers take the extraordinary time and care to properly submit rebates, and then due to some laziness or carelessness of the rebate processor, it gets rejected. Often times we have no recourse.

This stuff build incredible bad will towards to companies.

If I was a politician I would campaign for laws to penalize companies that defraud consumers or make it ridiculously hard to get their rebates. Something like if a company messes up on a consumer's rebate, and provided the consumer had met all the conditions, the company would have to pay 100 times the rebate value to the consumer.

That would make these rebate processors sit and pay attention!!!! :evil: :evil:
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Postby CowboySlim on Fri Jul 11, 2003 11:52 pm

I've been down that road before with Symantec. Faxing all the stuff in once or twice didn't do it either. Finally, after nine months, I was being denied for post mark date tardiness, which was totally absurd. When I asked them what was the postmark of record, there was no response. Then I asked them what was the date shown for my database record/file creation. It was only then that they allowed that they would make a very special exception in my case.

Well, I will never, ever purchase from them again. Furthermore, I won't have to. I've discovered that if I simply uninstall my SystemWorks and then reinstall over again, my AV starts a brand new one year subscription. Also installed on my daughter's PC. This is not stealing or copyright violation or any violation of any agreement that I click when I install. Not at all, it is simply my self-decided restitution for all the crap they threw down on me. :(
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Postby eliminator on Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:01 am

Yup - had a problem with ATI - had to be persistant for 6 months to get my $50 back (with Fry's pple help too !) :roll:
Wake up ATI :-)
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Postby Ian on Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:08 am

Yeah, I need to call up I/OMagic on Monday and give them hell for my PVR.

I'm still waiting for my Mad Dog rebate too. I doubt I'll ever see that money. At least their rebate company emails you back with a status.
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Postby eliminator on Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:17 am

MadDog ... never liked those guys, just guts feeling ! :-?
Wake up ATI :-)
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:27 am

Wow, that makes me mad!!!

If they treat PAYING customers this way, I have ZERO sympathies for Symantec when pirates sell pirated copies of their software.

CowboySlim wrote:I've been down that road before with Symantec. Faxing all the stuff in once or twice didn't do it either. Finally, after nine months, I was being denied for post mark date tardiness, which was totally absurd. When I asked them what was the postmark of record, there was no response. Then I asked them what was the date shown for my database record/file creation. It was only then that they allowed that they would make a very special exception in my case.

Well, I will never, ever purchase from them again. Furthermore, I won't have to. I've discovered that if I simply uninstall my SystemWorks and then reinstall over again, my AV starts a brand new one year subscription. Also installed on my daughter's PC. This is not stealing or copyright violation or any violation of any agreement that I click when I install. Not at all, it is simply my self-decided restitution for all the crap they threw down on me. :(
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Postby CowboySlim on Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:04 am


Everybody, go to the window, throw it open, stick your heads out and yell: "I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOIN' TO TAKE IT ANYMORE"!
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Postby CignaXI on Sat Jul 12, 2003 11:23 am

Tip for those buying from OfficeMax. If you recieved the notice denying your rebate and EVERYTHING was ok when you submitted it, in other words it was an error from the rebate company, then go to your local OfficeMax with ALL the evidence and they'll give you a refund or credit back the money. Luck to everyone!
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Postby Banshee on Fri Aug 22, 2003 6:31 pm

I've told employers for years with the increasing rebate claims (sometimes as high as 114% follow through (yeah, I know, fraud)), that the rebates should be limited to LOWER INSTANT rebates at the cash register. If you limit it to instant ones, you control when the rebates actually get collected, making them predictable to the accounting types, while giving the customer the break the want right THERE, when they have the product in front of them and you can verify the info. Cuts down on fraud too.

Oh, and WTF is the deal with people emailing support and using the last name of TRUE. I'd look at over 100 requests a day, and at least 5 were like this. Even on rebates.
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