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astounding! nero and 3 burners at once!

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astounding! nero and 3 burners at once!

Postby wicked1 on Sun Jun 29, 2003 1:49 am

I didnt think that this was possible. I burned a DVD at 4x (TDK +R) and 2 CD's at 52X (Fuji and Verbatim) on the fly at the same time!!! I didnt think my computer could keep up I was expecting at least to kick buffer underruns in and that didnt even happen. Here is my setup.
Athlon XP 1700+
MSI nForce2 board
Silicon Image IDE Ultra 133 controller
512 mb ram
600 gigs IDE storage (all maxtor ultras 8 meg)
sony dru 500AX
samsung 352 8 meg vs.
liteon 52246
artec 16x dvd rom

I did a copy from the artec to the two cd burners on the fly while I burned some home videos to DVD at 4x from the hard drive. I ran multiple instances of Nero Enterprise Edition.None of the burners ever dropped below 90% buffer levels.This is just amazing to me I did it out of curiosity since I still remember my 1x CD-R burners (not CDRW) and them having buffer underruns when they were the only thing going! I think optical storage has finally achieved a state of perfection.Anyways its 1AM and I am just shocked. Had to share with my fellow forum members who have been a great help.
Cheers (I'll drink an extra sam adams for you no convincing needed :) )
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Postby Dartman on Sun Jun 29, 2003 2:48 am

I haven't tried that way yet but I have done 3 cd's at once and on the fly too. Most of the time it will underun eventually but I have gotten a couple of good copies from all three burners before. I have the 500a, a 52, and a 48 Liteon with the 166s as the reader. I'm running a 1800+ and a MSI KT3 ultra with a gig and all IDE channels full.
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Postby blakerwry on Sun Jun 29, 2003 5:27 am

52x is only ~8MB sec... not too shocking when the drives are connected to an interface capable of supporting 33MB/sec (i assume they are UDMA mode 2 drives)

The thing that probably helped is that 1) there was probably a substantial HDD buffer so the DVD-ROM could rip enough data off the CD before burning started on the CD-Rs and 2) 52x burning is anything but... I suppose burning started at 16x and worked it's way up in zones so that the average burn speed was probably about halfway between 16x and 52x (somewhere in the 30's).

Burning the DVD simultaneoulsy probably wasn't much of a load for most current systems that are well setup.
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed Jul 09, 2003 2:07 am

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