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A few questions and speculations regarding the LTR-52327s.

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A few questions and speculations regarding the LTR-52327s.

Postby Harrier on Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:26 pm

1. I have noticed that some users who own the LTR-52327s have experienced some asperities when it came down to Media-Friendliness.
For instance, recognizing a media certified to to 48X to only 48X or even 40X whereas the "old" LTR52246S had no problems giving a 52X-worthy recognition. Personally, i have yet to come across any other CD-rw Drive that is even as half "media-friendly" as the liteon is. Especially the LTR-48246S and its older twin-brother.

2. Writing quality: LTR52246S has some superb writing qualities, as i have came to understand.. I have noticed to the new LTR-52327s is a little short in that department. I have scouted this shortcoming with Ritek (Better Media stock) and TY. Still, it is great. Though not as good as the LTR52246S.

3. It has been published that the new LTR-52327s is equipped with a new kind of chip which leads me to think whether "K-Probing" (Or other C1/C2 scans) will be administrable?

I know that 1 and 2 are also widely affected by firmware updates but even though, as far as i can remember, the LTR52246S had showed better outcomes in the time when it as fresh as the LTR-52327s is now.
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Postby Ian on Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:36 pm

With the media I normally use, I haven't seen any problems with media compatibility or writing quality. Media that worked at 52x on the LTR-52246S work at the same speed on the 7S. Of course, that's my media.

Yes, K-Probe works with the drive. Here too, the results are comparable to the LTR-52246S
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Postby Harrier on Thu Jul 03, 2003 3:56 pm

Will the review be out soon?
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Postby rdgrimes on Thu Jul 03, 2003 5:28 pm

The 52327S I had got RMA'd for poor write quality, I've seen other's with the same problem. My replacement will be along soon to see what it can do. It's not just a new chipset, it's a completely new chassis. You can see the dismal performance of my 1st drive here:
http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php ... adid=71362
The reading quality was also slightly below the 52246S, but nowhere near as bad as the write quality. And the worst part was that the write quality was bad at ANY burn speed, 24x RW was also crappy.
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Postby dhc014 on Thu Jul 03, 2003 5:34 pm

Harrier wrote:Will the review be out soon?

It's not next in line. Be patient.
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