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Postby dburg on Fri Jun 27, 2003 8:46 am

Yes, we are checking that. But so far, in code inspection, we have not found any reason for such a conflict. :-?

The CPUs of our test computers are idle (except of course when doing some CPU-consumming activity like copying file, and even then, the CPU load remains low (8% on a Athlon 1Ghz by example)), and seems cold. Even with the high summer temperatures here, the only system that got a temperature alert was a w2k build computer where InCD 4 is not installed.
David Burg
Software Development, InCD Project Manager

Nero AG - Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad - Germany

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299 http://www.nero.com
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Postby Traveller on Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:36 am

dburg wrote:Yes, we are checking that. But so far, in code inspection, we have not found any reason for such a conflict. :-?
Oh, thanks for having a look-see :D
dburg wrote:The CPUs of our test computers are idle...
With all due respect, how many of your test PCs are running on 98SE...? I also have no "idle" issues on my other rig, an XP rig....

Thx again und tscheers,
Traveller - Geneve * Melbourne * Miami * Wien

SYS1 -> 98SE / NEC ND1300A (1.05) / ASUS E616 (2.1) / Nero / InCD / EasyWrite 3.25
SYS2 -> XPsp1 / Plextor PX-W2410A (1.04) / XJ-HD165H (CH11) / Nero / InCD
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Postby dburg on Fri Jun 27, 2003 10:05 pm

Traveller wrote:With all due respect, how many of your test PCs are running on 98SE...? I also have no "idle" issues on my other rig, an XP rig....

Difficult to say. Usually our test PCs have at least 3 OS installed per harddisk, with usually 2 hard disks, in order to cover a maximum of possible Windows versions. Most of the tests are although done on 98SE, W2K and XP, which makes just inside Ahead (AG) roughly a minimum of 20 PCs that should have already execute InCD under 98SE. I honestly don't know how much 98SE are running in the test labs in Ahead Inc. Addionnally, I know that some drive manufacturers are heavily testing under 98SE. You seems to be the first unlucky person to have this problem, although I suspect that possibily it reproduce elsewhere but people does not notice it as it is not visible even using the task monitor tool mentionned in this thread, only by checking the CPU temperature.

Maybe if a kernel time monitor exist this one will see something in this area?
David Burg
Software Development, InCD Project Manager

Nero AG - Im Stoeckmaedle 18
76307 Karlsbad - Germany

fax: +49 (0)7248 928 299 http://www.nero.com
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Postby KCK on Sat Jun 28, 2003 12:03 am


How are we supposed to download General-CleanTool_1135? A concocted link of the form


doesn't work! :cry:


Please keep us informed about your findings on the CPU utilization of InCD 4.x under 98SE.

If I understood correctly, the only way of monitoring the CPU utilization is via proprietary temperature measuring utilities, and one needs to install Rain to maintain reasonable temperatures. This, of course, is inadmissible for most users. Let us know if the next release is better.
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Postby David on Sat Jun 28, 2003 12:31 am

KCK I found the General Clean Tool there's the link.

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Postby KCK on Sat Jun 28, 2003 1:20 am

Thanks for the link, David.

I downloaded this Tool several days ago from another source.

My point was that Ahead should not make us haunt/hunt their sites! :lol:
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Postby David on Sat Jun 28, 2003 1:26 am

Ahead dose have a link to it for download under the utilites.


I just posted a direct link so forum readers didn't have to hunt it down on Ahead's site.
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Postby Traveller on Sat Jun 28, 2003 6:21 am

dburg wrote:Usually our test PCs have at least 3 OS installed per harddisk, with usually 2 hard disks, in order to cover a maximum of possible Windows versions....
Well, that's more than adequate & happy to hear it :D
dburg wrote:You seem to be the first unlucky person to have this problem....
Yeah, well someone needs to be the crash-test dummy, lol! Many, if not all overclockers are using Motherboard Monitor or something similar. On the other hand, not too many are using a device like the DigitalDoc 5 to monitor temps using external thermistors. Considering my max cpu temp ( P4 24b @ 2.8 ) is around 44C (34C@idle: ambient = 24-25C), it probably wouldn't catch a new user's attention, as 44C "sounds" like a reasonable temp. But I'm straying from the topic which is that with installed, the OS no longer issues the halt instr*. I can easily run RAIN2, but I thought it would be worth noting it for other forum members.

*EDIT(13:45): Maybe it's not such an improbable scenario. I used InCD to copy one 457MB file to a 2X CD-RW media. I had Wintop running during the process and noted that InCD does the burning in the background, appearantly with "idle" priority. I came to this conclusion as during the 15min burn, InCD.exe only used 1sec of CPU, and the Idle process was on avg. 98%. During the burn, my CPU diode registered 42-44C, indicating max CPU utilization. I've uploaded a jpg of the Wintop screen as it looked like immediately after burn completion (the burn was started 10mins after rebooting my 98SE rig).

Hence, there is always the possibility that W98SE thinks that is actively processing in Idle priority, even when it's not really busy....

*EDIT(29 Jun): Btw, I found an error log in ..\Windows\InCD. InCD aside from eating my free cpu cycles, doesn't seem to be happy about my optical drives -
eda229b0 03:06:29 19:43:09:00 e=2007. SCSI error : (Op 5Ah (ModeSense10) => os=0h host=84h tgt=2h sns=05/24/00h
Invalid field in CDB Info=0h=0. @ ID=1_0_0_0 'ASUS DVD-ROM E616')

eda15200 03:06:29 19:43:16:00 [Fine]e=2504. SCSI device error ((Sns:2, Asc:x3a, Asq:x0 ) @ Port:1, bd:0, ID:0, Lun:0)

same exact errors for my ND1300A as well. Anyways, here is the "InCDerr.log" file after I removed some unreadable characters. David, if you could possibly tell me what to do (or where to send) the original log file, I'd be more than happy to pass it along to Ahead :)
Traveller - Geneve * Melbourne * Miami * Wien

SYS1 -> 98SE / NEC ND1300A (1.05) / ASUS E616 (2.1) / Nero / InCD / EasyWrite 3.25
SYS2 -> XPsp1 / Plextor PX-W2410A (1.04) / XJ-HD165H (CH11) / Nero / InCD
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Postby KCK on Mon Jun 30, 2003 10:03 pm

InCD has all the bugs I listed earlier for CCampbell:

1. Dates and times aren't preserved for files copied to MRW discs

For 4425 files copied via Windows Explorer, 2157 files got the current date.

2. InCD doesn't autoplay when a blank disc is inserted

It's even worse than for InCD Nothing happens if a blank disc is inserted after rebooting. For Explorer | Properties | AutoPlay | Blank CD, the setting of "Prompt me each time to choose an action" is persistent, i.e., it's selected each time one inspects the properties of the drive, independently of what was chosen before. If I choose "Autorun empty CD using InCD", the Apply button is grayed out (strange), so I hit OK and after ejecting/reinserting, I get the screen "CD Drive (F:) Blank CD: What do you want Windows to do?" with "Autorun empty CD using InCD" highlighted and "Always do the selected action" checked. Choosing OK produces the window "Format :\" (note the missing drive letter F).

3. Excessive memory consumption by incdsrv.exe and InCD.exe

Up to 15,476 KB for incdsrv.exe and 8,408 KB for InCD.exe on my XP box.

4. Slow reading and writing relative to InCD 3.x

The writing speed is about 4x on a 10x disc.

Further, my fears about uninstallation issues have been confirmed.

Uninstalling InCD via Add/Remove Programs left a lot of rubbish in the registry. When I later ran General Clean Tool with InCD selected, it didn't remove the rubbish, but did remove some entries for Cover Designer (sic!). At this stage, I simply installed InCD, since a manual cleanup of the registry will be required anyway once I decide to get rid of InCD 4.x.

Let's just say that I'm quite disappointed. :cry:
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Postby Ian on Mon Jun 30, 2003 10:07 pm

I too am seeing very slow reading and writing speeds with the new InCD.
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Jul 01, 2003 2:07 pm

Sorry, we are still working on a number of bugs reported by this forum and others. We were not able to get to them in time for this release, but they are not being ignored. In response to your issues below:

1. Dates and times aren't preserved for files copied to MRW discs

For 4425 files copied via Windows Explorer, 2157 files got the current date.

A) This has been reported and mentioned in earlier Email, and we will resolve this ASAP.

2. InCD doesn't autoplay when a blank disc is inserted

It's even worse than for InCD Nothing happens if a blank disc is inserted after rebooting. For Explorer | Properties | AutoPlay | Blank CD, the setting of "Prompt me each time to choose an action" is persistent, i.e., it's selected each time one inspects the properties of the drive, independently of what was chosen before. If I choose "Autorun empty CD using InCD", the Apply button is grayed out (strange), so I hit OK and after ejecting/reinserting, I get the screen "CD Drive (F Blank CD: What do you want Windows to do?" with "Autorun empty CD using InCD" highlighted and "Always do the selected action" checked. Choosing OK produces the window "Format :\" (note the missing drive letter F).

A) We are doing a number of tests in regards to this issue, and we are finding that this seems to occur with certain model recorders. Regardless if you have a CD Recording software installed on the system or not. We have tested with a clean system, no Ahead software installed and with and without the latest drivers or patches from Microsoft, and below are the findings from our Q&A team. We are still looking into this of course, but this may take some time to resolve, if we can do so with our software.

Q&A Teams Test Results:
i now made a more detailed test about it, and found out that some drives have problems, not only with blank cd-rs but also with regular audio cds

for example:
no ahead products installed,
insert audio cd in drive1: menu is shown of what to do with the audio cd (play with media player, show content of folder, do nothing)
insert same cd in drive2: content of folder is shown in any case
even if you select that the audio cd should be played by windows medie player by default it still shows the content of the folder (it also happens when you select "take no action" by default)

i made a complete list of some drives and what happened with them:
in general: i didn't get the feature to work that when a blank cd-r is inserted that the auto launch menu appears on any dvd recorder i used

in all test auto launch feature was enabled and set to default settings ("prompt me each time to choose an action")

general info:
tesversion: GM_N-NE6.0.0.5_AheadAG_GM_ROTW_CD2732
used medias:
cd-r: prime-disc 48x
dvd-r: maxell 4.7gb single sided
sdvd+r: verbatin 4.7gb 2.4x single sided

pc01: C-WX-051
windows xp professional, german, clean image, no sp:

ASUS DVD-ROM E608 FW: 1.40 (no cd-recorder) (primary slave)
insert audio cd: auto launch menu is shown ("play audio cd using windows median player", "play or copy audio cd using nero startsmart", "open folder to view files using windows expolorer", "take no action")
insert blank cd-r: nothing happens

HP DVD Writer 200j FW: 1.06 (secondary master)
insert audio cd: autolaunch opens windows explorer and shows content of the cd (problem like described in example)
insert blank cd-r: nothing happens
insert blank dvd-r: nothing happens
insert blank dvd+r: nothing happens

PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-103 FW: 2.00 (secondary slave)
insert audio cd: autolaunch opens windows explorer and shows content of the cd (problem like described in example)
insert blank cd-r: nothing happens
insert blank dvd-r: nothing happens
insert blank dvd+r: nothing happens


pc02: C-WX-180
windows xp professional, english, clean image, no sp:

SONY CD-RW CRX210E1 FW: 2YS2 (primary slave)
insert audio cd: auto launch menu is shown ("play audio cd using windows median player", "play or copy audio cd using nero startsmart", "copy music from cd using windows median player", "open folder to view files using windows expolorer", "take no action")
insert blank cd-r: auto launch menu is shown ("burn new cd using nero startsmart", "select media to copy to copy to cd using windows media player", "autorun empty cd using using incd", "open writeable cd folder using windows explorer", "take no action")

TEAC DV-W50E FW:1.10 (secondary master)
insert audio cd: auto launch menu is shown ("play audio cd using windows median player", "play or copy audio cd using nero startsmart", "copy music from cd using windows median player", "open folder to view files using windows expolorer", "take no action")
insert blank cd-r: nothing happens
insert blank dvd-r: nothing happens
insert blank dvd+r: nothing happens


pc03: C-WX-034
windows xp home, german, clean image, no sp:

LG DVD-ROM DRD8120B FW: 1.04 (no cd-recorder) (primary slave)
insert audio cd: autolaunch opens windows explorer and shows content of the cd (problem like described in example)
insert blank cd-r: nothing happens

CyberDrv CW089D CD-R/RW FW: 15JM (secondary master)
insert audio cd: autolaunch opens windows explorer and shows content of the cd (problem like described in example)
insert blank cd-r: nothing happens

3. Excessive memory consumption by incdsrv.exe and InCD.exe

Up to 15,476 KB for incdsrv.exe and 8,408 KB for InCD.exe on my XP box.

4. Slow reading and writing relative to InCD 3.x

The writing speed is about 4x on a 10x disc.

A) We are looking into this as well.

Further, my fears about uninstallation issues have been confirmed.

Uninstalling InCD via Add/Remove Programs left a lot of rubbish in the registry. When I later ran General Clean Tool with InCD selected, it didn't remove the rubbish, but did remove some entries for Cover Designer (sic!). At this stage, I simply installed InCD, since a manual cleanup of the registry will be required anyway once I decide to get rid of InCD 4.x.

A) Our Engineers are already aware of this from our Q&A testing with the Nero Clean tool. The latest Clean tool has been improved, but is still not where we need it to be in regards to cleaning InCD 4 from the system. This is currently being worked on as well.

I know InCD 4 is frustrating to many at this time, and we are sorry for this. But our goal still remains to make InCD 4 a very stable product and we understand this will take some time. But we are putting all our efforts into reaching this goal and we really do appreciate all the assistance we have been getting from this Forum and others. As well as those users who have been contacting us directly. I can not stress how much we appreciate and need this type of feedback and support. Even though we wish it was not needed. But there are too many drives, systems, etc for any Q&A team to fully test any product in the market today. But we do try.

Again, sorry for any trouble caused, and thanks for your patience.

PS. David Burg is on Vacation for the next week, so he will not be able to participate this in this forum during this time.

Best Regards,

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Postby HeNry2kOoL on Wed Jul 02, 2003 2:22 am

Here's my bug on InCD in both versions and

When I use InCD (and to format my cd-rw disc to cd-mrw (Mt. Rainier). Everything goes well when I copy all my files into the disc, but when upon ejecting the disc and re-inserting it back, it causes Windows XP to crash. Then it restarts my computer automatically without any warnings. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling InCD to no avail. I have no other packet writing softwares installed on my computer except for InCD. My drive is a Lite-On (LTR-48125W). It also crashes and restarts my computer when using the Easywrite reader from my dvd-rom drive after inserting the disc and opening it to view the files. And when using a cd-mrw disc formatted from InCD, the Easywrite reader files that are in the disc when inserting it into a non mt. rainer drive are all corrupted.

On Ahead's help FAQ it states:

"The computer gets hung up every now and then:
If you have got inCD installed, then please check if you have got a computer witha VIA chipset. If this is the case: At the moment inCD does not yet support the Via Chipset."

Does that still apply to the current versions of InCD (, Because I have a VIA chipset motherboard.

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Postby KCK on Wed Jul 02, 2003 6:38 am


Thanks for replying to my complaints about InCD Let me add a couple of comments:

1. Dates and times aren't preserved for files copied to MRW discs

As I wrote earlier, this bug makes InCD 4.x quite useless. It was reported on several forums and newsgroups, and should be easy to replicate by your Q&A team, since its dependence on burners is highly unlikely. I would give this bug a top priority.

2. InCD doesn't autoplay when a blank disc is inserted

Your Q&A team's test results only seem to indicate general AutoPlay problems with certain drives. It would be more useful to test the most popular Lite-On drives under XP SP1. I guess that eventually Ahead will have to develop a proprietary solution instead of relying on XP's AutoPlay. Anyway, I would treat this bug as minor relative to other more serious bugs.

3. Excessive memory consumption by incdsrv.exe and InCD.exe

Since on June 11 you wrote: "This issue has been reported and fixed", I'm wondering if other changes broke the fix in the latest release.

4. Slow reading and writing relative to InCD 3.x

While it may be difficult to get on par with InCD 3.x, it would be encouraging to see at least some progress in the next release.

5. Incomplete uninstallation

Until General Clean Tool works correctly, it would be useful to provide instructions for manual registry cleanups.

Finally, here is more info on the AutoPlay issues on my XP Pro box.

First, AutoPlay works fine for non-blank discs (e.g., CD-R discs or MRW discs), with the usual prompt: `This disc or device contains more than on type of content. What do you want Windows to do?'.

Second, after toggling the Blank CD settings between `Autorun empty CD using InCD' and `Create new CD using AHEAD Nero', I finally managed to get `Autorun empty CD using InCD' selected permanently (even after reboots/shutdowns).

The situation is now similar to that of InCD Nothing happens if a blank disc is inserted after rebooting. However, when I next right-click on my burner's drive F: in Explorer, select `Properties' and then `Cancel' on the first 'General' tab, AutoPlay starts working: after inserting a blank disc, I get the `Format :\' window (instead of `Format F:\' as for InCD, and it keeps working until the next reboot.

Thus I would advise your Q&A team to look into this "refresh feature" as well.

BTW, here is an extract from my registry:

"InstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Ahead\\InCD"
"LaunchOnBlankDisc"="C:\\Program Files\\Ahead\\Nero SmartStart\\SmartStart.exe"

Apparently the reference to Nero SmartStart was added by InCD, whereas I'm still running Nero, which doesn't have SmartStart!
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Postby alchip80 on Wed Jul 02, 2003 1:54 pm

KCK, wrote.

"InstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Ahead\\InCD"
"LaunchOnBlankDisc"="C:\\Program Files\\Ahead\\Nero SmartStart\\SmartStart.exe"

This is rather interesting in that on my XP system in the registry the "LaunchOnBlankDisc" shows the same entry, however such SmartStart folder doesn't exist.

Also I am not sure if this is a fix, But I tried this,

1. In the registry I changed the entry "launchONBlankDisc" to start the InCDL.exe program instead. "LaunchOnBlankDisc"="C:\Program Files\Ahead\InCD\InCDL.exe.

2. In Administrative Tools - Services, I reinabled the Imapi CD Burning services.

3. Then I selected the burner properties and enabled the recording section.

I know that we have always disabled #2, #3 due to conflicts with burning software. But it seems sofar that these have to be activated for InCD popup to work :roll:

KCK, could you verify this? In any case this seems to work, at least on Windows XP. Also this was using a clean install of InCD V4.0.1.7
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Postby KCK on Wed Jul 02, 2003 5:10 pm


Your third suggestion on enabling Windows CD recording seems to suffice for AutoPlay with InCD on my XP Pro SP1 box with LTR-48125W. Here are more details.

I have `Launch InCD when blank disc inserted' checked in InCD Options (to get there, right-click the InCD icon in the system tray and select Options, or click `Options...' in the InCD Format window).

For my burner drive F:, Nero InfoTool displays `Autorun on', Explorer | Properties | Autoplay: Blank CD has `Autorun empty CD using InCD' selected, whereas in Explorer | Properties | Recording there is a check mark for `Enable CD Recording on this drive'.

In Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services, double-clicking on `IMAPI CD Burning' shows `Startup type: Manual'.

After inserting a blank disc, I get the `Format :\' window as required (although the drive letter F is still missing).

Note that I keep the original registry entry for LaunchOnBlankDisc (your replacement with C:\Program Files\Ahead\InCD\InCDL.exe doesn't seem to be necessary) and my usual manual startup type for IMAPI. The only change with respect to my standard settings was the enabling of Windows CD recording.

Of course, activating Windows CD recording disagrees with standard recommendations; further, `InCD 4 - FAQ.html' (in C:\Program Files\Ahead\InCD) still says that enabling Windows CD recording may lead to problems. Finally, I don't know if Nero will be happy about it, so I'll probably disable it; Nero is more important to me than the inconvenience of having to launch InCD Format via Explorer.
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Postby Ian on Wed Jul 02, 2003 6:08 pm


This might sound crazy, but would it be possible to add support for new drives to InCD 3 until 4 is at the same level?
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Postby alchip80 on Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:25 pm


I have `Launch InCD when blank disc inserted' checked in InCD Options (to get there, right-click the InCD icon in the system tray and select Options, or click `Options...' in the InCD Format window).

For my burner drive F:, Nero InfoTool displays `Autorun on', Explorer | Properties | Autoplay: Blank CD has `Autorun empty CD using InCD' selected, whereas in Explorer | Properties | Recording there is a check mark for `Enable CD Recording on this drive'.

In Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services, double-clicking on `IMAPI CD Burning' shows `Startup type: Manual'.

After inserting a blank disc, I get the `Format :\' window as required (although the drive letter F is still missing).

Note that I keep the original registry entry for LaunchOnBlankDisc (your replacement with C:\Program Files\Ahead\InCD\InCDL.exe doesn't seem to be necessary) and my usual manual startup type for IMAPI. The only change with respect to my standard settings was the enabling of Windows CD recording.

Of course, activating Windows CD recording disagrees with standard recommendations; further, `InCD 4 - FAQ.html' (in C:\Program Files\Ahead\InCD) still says that enabling Windows CD recording may lead to problems. Finally, I don't know if Nero will be happy about it, so I'll probably disable it; Nero is more important to me than the inconvenience of having to launch InCD Format via Explorer.

I was still working on this as I too don't like the XP burning option activated. Prior to this, I had always had the Imapi service disabled. and the Drives' autostart thru XP was also disabled and still is. Because of this of course nothing would popup. However I just noticed that Plextools will activate autostart without having the windows autostart choices activate.

After I activated the autostart in Plextools, I was then able to deactivate the XP burning options on the drives.

So on your First sentence, I have Launch InCD activated.

2. Nero InfoTool show Autostart , AutoPlay :Blank CD has autorun empty CD using InCD activated. (although this has always been activated)

3. I reset the Imapi Service to Manual
4. disabled the XP burning options.
5. The format window when it comes up the drive letters are showing correctly on my system.

Now the InCD popup works, So at least for my system with Plextools all you need to do is activate the autostart and you won't have to activate XP burning.

There is a lot of work to be done on InCD 4 :x

Just curious, Did your install of v4.0.1.7 install the Nero Smartstart folder?
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Postby KCK on Wed Jul 02, 2003 8:09 pm


Are you worrying about the future, or have you already found new drives not supported by InCD 3.52.40? In the latter case, please let us know their models. Right now we only know about Hazey's BenQ 5224P with the latest MRW-enabled firmware.


Ahead's Download Page | Utilities should list General CleanTool after Nero InfoTool in conformance with the list given at

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Postby KCK on Wed Jul 02, 2003 8:59 pm


Could you explain the meaning of "the Drives' autostart thru XP" and "the autostart in Plextools"? I have no idea how "autostart" is related to the usual terms of "Autorun" and "AutoPlay".

For instance, on my XP box, Nero InfoTool (v1.03.3 or 2.0) shows in the Configuration tab "Autorun on" for my DVD-ROM and burner drives, and this seems to be controlled by the registry setting


So could you tell us how you enable/disable autostart in XP and Plextools, and what Nero InfoTool and regedit display in each case?

Maybe the fact that the format windows comes up with correct drive letters is related to your having more than one burner. BTW, what are these burners?

As for your final question, I don't have the Nero SmartStart folder under C:\Program Files\Ahead; this is for Nero and InCD
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Postby Ian on Wed Jul 02, 2003 9:41 pm

KCK wrote:Ian:

Are you worrying about the future, or have you already found new drives not supported by InCD 3.52.40? In the latter case, please let us know their models. Right now we only know about Hazey's BenQ 5224P with the latest MRW-enabled firmware.

Yeah, I was trying to run some tests with the Sony DRU-510A and it I found that it wasn't supported by InCD 3. I finally ended up using the bundled DLA software. :cry:
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Postby KCK on Wed Jul 02, 2003 10:12 pm

Indeed, only Sony DRU-500A was listed for InCD 3.52.40 in C:\Windows\BsUDF.tbl; you may search for other supported drives there.
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Postby alchip80 on Wed Jul 02, 2003 10:39 pm


First off, sorry about the mixup between autostart and autorun/play, It was meant to say autoplay. In Plextools preferences it is autoPlay, it gives you two choices, autoplay audio and autoplay data. You can cycle these on/off.

In Nero InfoTool I have the same autoRun designations as you do for each drive,including Imagedrive.

In the past I always disable autoPlay features in gpedit.msc. the interesting thing is that when you disable AutoPlay in gpedit, the setting in regedit that you show above is still activated. 'AutoRun=dword:00000001 doesn't change.

In Plextools sofar haven't located any obivious changes in the registry yet, when activating/de-activating autoplay. I'll keep looking. I am curious about being able to enable autoplay in Plextools which then I am able to disable the XP recording setting in the drives properties to get InCD 4 to popup.

Yes, I do have a couple of burners, Plextor Premium and a PX-W4824TA and a liteon dvd163D
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Postby KCK on Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:38 pm


Don't feel sorry; apparently everybody, including MS and Ahead, is confused about AutoRun/AutoPlay under XP. Hence we must be careful.

When you talk about disabling AutoPlay in gpedit.msc, do you mean that on Local Computer Policy | Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | System | Turn off Autoplay | Setting you choose `Enabled' and then `Turn off Autoplay on: CD-ROM drives'? (I choose `Disabled'.)

To discover registry changes made by gpedit.msc and/or Plextools, you may use RegShot


Unzip it to a suitable folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\RegShot) and read README.TXT. Briefly, after calling RegShot, click `1st shot' to save the registry to a `hive' file and Quit. Then call gpedit.msc or Plextools. Afterwards, call RegShot, use `1st shot' to load the saved `hive' file, then `2nd shot' for the current registry, and finally `cOmpare' to see the differences.

Maybe we could clarify this mysterious subject for Ahead! :P
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Postby Morpheus on Tue Jul 15, 2003 2:04 am

I have been having problems with InCD 4 as well but I think it is that and another problem combined. I just switched to a new hard drive and did a clean install of Windows XP Pro and re-installed all of my drivers and (most of my ) software. I installed Nero from the CD then I went to their website and downloaded and installed the updates - Nero, Nero Info Tool, InCD, and Nero Vision Express

Well about 3 days later I played an audio cd in my CD-Rom drive using MusicMatch Jukebox 7.5 Plus - it played fine. I then went to play another CD which had a sticker that it had "copy protection software" on it. After I popped it in the track information did not appear in the window, so I clicked the "CD" button twice and nothing - there was a small notice saying put the CD in the drive ( even though it was already in the drive. ) So I ejected the tray and tried it again - the same thing. I tried another media player, and it too would not play the CD. I checked "My Computer" and my CD-Rom drive was no longer listed!

I removed the CD and placed it in my CD-RW drive - this time a small window popped up saying I need to "update my software in order to play this CD" - I clicked "OK" and a few seconds later a small blue player window popped up with the CD track information and started playing the CD. ( So the CD would not allow other media players to play it - only it's own built-in player! )

I continued to websurf and by around the 3rd track I started to notice that the system felt a little slow and sluggish - then my typing started to get delayed on the screen. I "control-alt-delete" and checked my cpu usuage - it was at 100%!! I don't know what this CD was doing, so I killed it's player and my cpu usuage dropped to a normal 2-8% and I removed the CD. I rebooted my pc and checked "My Computer" and my CD-Rom drive was listed again.

I popped in another CD into my CD-Rom drive and autoplay never ran. In fact I got an error about InCD 4 "incdsrv.exe has developed a fault and wishes to close ... send error report..." I click on "don't send" and all of a sudden everything gets wiped - all opened windows all icons, even the start and taskbar - everyting - I'm looking at my blank desktop wallpaper. I hit reset ( if I use the power button it is extremely slow and then it hangs, so I have to use reset ) and I get into desktop and its blank again - it does this if I leave a CD in the CD-Rom drive, if I take the CD out and reboot then I get a normal desktop. This happens everytime I put a CD in the CD-Rom drive - autorun doesn't work and I get the incdsrv.exe error.

I uninstalled the CD-Rom drive and rebooted my pc so it detected it as new hardware and reinstalled the CD-Rom drive - I then tried to play a CD - the same errors - so that did not work. Now I read this forum and other people are having problems with incdsrv.exe and autorun - so I know I'm not alone. I thought about uninstalling InCD 4 and instead installing InCD 3.5 - that was the last version I had and I didn't get any errors with it. :x
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Postby bobmitchell on Wed Jul 16, 2003 11:08 am

Here's a problem I have had with and I would be interested in seeing if any of you experience the same.

I have MS Office XP. Oftentimes, I save directly to CD-RW from Word or Excel. Open and create a document...then choose SAVE AS and write the final to the CD-RW. With InCD 2.5XX, the save is momentary...and I can see the final on the disk. I can remove the CD-RW and re-insert...open the file and everything is fine. With the new version of InCD...I choose SAVE AS...and have it written to the disk. If I re-open it without removing the disk...it looks OK. If I remove the CD-RW and re-insert...and try to re-open the file...a message in Word or Excel pops up that it can't read the file and wants to offer me numerous extensions to try to open the file...No matter what I choose...I get binary in the file...and it is lost. InCD and are not capable of writing directly to CD-RW and doing it properly. I have to stay with 3.5.24 in order to get my files preserved in the proper format.

My problem with this is that I am not sure if Nero 6 will be compatible with InCD 3.5.24, because I want to upgrade...but have NO intention of installing InCD 4 until it is properly fixed. I have emailed back and forth with Ahead in CA and they keep telling me it's me. Each time...I do as they recommend (use InCD clean, etc.)...and the problem goes on and on. When I re-install 3.5.24...the problem goes away. I know it's not me....I have done the install of 4.0.1.X at least 8 times and each time...the same problem.

Could someone try to create a Word or Excel document. Save it directly to a CD-RW. Take the disk out of the drive...re-insert and try to read the file. Let me know your results.

I have had the same problem on four seperate drives: On my desktop...Sony DRU-500a and Samsung SM-348B. On my laptop...Sony CRX-700 and Panasonic UJ-810. In the case of the Panasonic...same problem if I write to DVD-RW and with the Sony DRU...same with DVD-RW or DVD+RW.

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