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Sony 10x CDRW for Sale

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Postby MR AGB3 on Wed Dec 31, 1969 9:57 pm

http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dl ... 1295456663

I am auctioning this drive on ebay.. the bids are low.. I am not looking to make a profit,I just have extra burners which are not being used. I am just passing it along to someone else who might be able to use it....

Be on the lookout for more auctions by me of cdr/cdrw products!
Buffer Underrun
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Postby night2dayz on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:21 pm


Did you sell your CDRW? If i were you, I rather keep it for x-mas present. I understand that the bid highest bid is less than $45. i think it is more valueble to give this device for your friend or anyone you want, rather than sell for $45USD

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Postby MR AGB3 on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:22 pm

Giving it away is not an option... at the time I had several old burners collecting dust at my house.. Ebay is a way of me getting rid of them while they still work and recouping some money for them... If you look in the paper you can see that cdrw prices have bottomed out... You can get a 16x for 70 bux or less.. I think I got 50-something out of that 10x drive.. I think I made out good considering I have had the drive for a while... I can take that 50 and whatever I get out of the one I am about to sell and get a top of the line cdrw..(24x or 32x when they come out..) there are always people who do not have systems capable of burning at these new higher speeds, so there will always be a market for older drives..

If I had someone who I thought was worthy of receiving my "gently used" Sony, I would have let them have it..

Thanks for your input though.....
Buffer Underrun
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